GDC or Bust!
Mar 11, 2016
I once tweeted "GDC" and someone asked "what's GDC?" No matter what your job is, it's easy to start using lingo and acronyms that seem obvious, when they are far from that to others.
GDC stands for Game Developers Conference. It happens in San Francisco each year around this time and 25,000 developers get together and pontificate about stuff they think they understand. They rarely do, but it's still very useful and entertaining.
Over the 30 years GDC's been going on, I think I've missed only a handful of them. Back in 1991 Monkey Island won "Best Game Play". That was back when the entire conference could fit in one room and have dinner together. How times change.

We're going to be doing hands-on demos of Thimbleweed Park to the press and I'm going to be stuck in a hotel suite for 5 days, 8 hours a day showing the game with David, Gary, Jenn and Mark coming in for tag-team relief. It's going to be grueling.
We've all spent the last few weeks polishing and getting the code and art ready. It will be a hands-on demo, meaning the press will get to play the game, but one of us will always be there so it doesn't need to be a "hardened" demo. If we were showing to the public, we'd have to make sure you could never do anything bad or go anywhere you weren't supposed to. There is still a lot of polish and loose ends left to be done.
It's always amazing how much time you spend getting a "demo" build ready. It's horribly distracting to, you know, getting the actual game done. I always forget about this when scheduling. If you find yourself in a similar position, never ever underestimate the amount of time and work this take.
In April, we'll be showing the game to the public at PAX East, so if you're going to that please stop by and say hi. That build will need to be a "hardened" and will take even more time, but it's all important, almost as important as making the game, especially for indies. "Built it and they will come" is naive at best.
There will be no podcast today. I still have last weeks podcast to edit, but that will have to wait until after GDC.
As an apology/bribe, please accept this new, never seen before art from Mark.

Anyway, I agree that the other kind of scaling down is unappealing as well. I'm not sure what a good cost-effective solution would be.
Got taken away, have i mentioned how glorious the background artwork looks?
sclae the Sprite to the "correct" Pixel size using anti-aliasing. That would make them look pixelated but would prevent them from being unrecognizable (thanks to AA). this is Not the Same as "Pixel Perfect Mode", because the movement (x/y placement) would still be smooth.
of course, Sinne this is just a still Image, i have no ideal if the current " sharpness" is really a Problem when the game is in motion...
I hope GDC won't be too stressful! good luck!!
Computers were the symbol of future and technology. And there was no computer without pixels.
When I used a Commodore 64 I had just one or two original games, because they were expensive. We used to buy cheaper games: "the magazines".
Back then in Italy we had some magazines you could legally buy at news kiosks.... But they were actually pirated games! The magazine came with a tape with old pirated games. Small games of just a few kb.... look at this pdf:
So, you can understand that, as soon as I bought a PC and I put my hands on Zak, I found that EGA graphic AMAZING... :-)
I remember one afternoon spent copying strange codes from paper on the screen. I was so tired when I finished, and I expected something marvellous.... but it turned out it was just a monochrome sprite of a mouse, which, because of some compiling error, had his body on the right side of the screen and his legs on the left side....
I was 8 years old. I decided computer programming would have not be my future. And I started buying tapes....
I'm very curious about that. And... was it so common for people in the 70es to think "ok, I need a computer to perform this task. Let's look for a public computer center"? If I think about my grandparents in the 70's (and even in the 80es) I think they didn't have the slightest idea of what a computer could have done for them, so they simply didn't feel the need for a computer.
I hope you don't mind if I share it.... so that the younger of us who want to try the thrill of copying by hand a program from a magazine, can copy and original David Fox program! :-)
PS: don't worry if it doesn't work at the first try... ;-)
Some people came in and did word processing... others practiced programming after taking a class. A few did database entry to track their own, but 95% was probably game playing.
With all due respect, and notwithstanding the tone of your response, it is not a matter of being a "pixel purist," it is a matter of mixing visual styles in a way that seems distracting -- at least in the screenshot provided. As I was looking at the beautiful scene you posted, I too noticed the disparate resolution modes. I wasn't looking for it, but it smacked me in the face and made itself seen.
If that is the way you like it and you don't care what others think, then fine, I guess we'll have to suck it up; but you are presenting this blog as a forum of discussion on the development progress of the game, so you should expect some differing opinions, criticisms, or challenges to your product; especially considering that this is a work in which many have much emotional investment.
Originally I thought this pixel purist is a must, but who knows. When the game is done I will try both modes and decide what I like best.
And he did say this numerous times on this blog before, take a look at those blog posts with screenshots or videos with scaling going on.
@Ron: You should mention these modes in the FAQ since we cannot expect everyone reading the comments (contrary to the FAQ).
As a pixel purist, i will probably switch to normal after 5 minutes too. I'm more interested in how the different backgrounds will be scaled at different resolutions.
thats seems not so important anymore.
Look at that lovely screenshot. mhh, tasty
1. Use equally-sized pixels for all depths. However, for big pixels that means ugly characters in the distance, while small pixels would go against the retro feel of the game.
2. Use smaller and smaller pixels for everything as you go further and further into the distance, much like you would see in older 3D games.
3. Have artists try to draw sprites for several depths and use scaling for everything in between. They might be be able to come up with something appealing but it's crazy expensive to do.
Anything else I can think of is ad-hoc, like the blurring thing I mentioned above.
And no, I'm not suggesting that they should change all the art or anything. I keep having to write dumb disclaimers for people like Ema and longuist who like to pick up fights about non-issues.
As this discussion has long left from technical aspects to personal opinions please do refrain from assuming what others might say to your answers and stay polite. Thank you!
It's a grumpy tone, not an unpolite or trivial one.
I'm grumpy too in real life and it is incredible that, nowadays, people gets far more upset by grumpy tones than by bad manners or bad words.
It's about maintaining the suspension of disbelief regarding the "Imagine this is 1987" meta-plot that was announced with this KickStarter image[0] (for values of 1987 that may well span up to 1992).
Subtle things like shaders, full scene zoom, or smoother animations and scrolling (provided sprites end on a full pixel) can easily be ignored while scaled and rotated pixels are much more "in your face". The pixels of parallax planes can probably straddle without people noticing while those of the characters would immediately kill the illusion [1].
The pixel purist mode was probably added in part based on my feedback, but it is obviously a second thought, and I expect it to look like crap, as you said several times, because no effort is poured in trying to make it look good (designing sprites that scale well like Guybrush's, or avoiding sprite scaling and rotations, ...).
That's ultimately a minor thing, though. I've now reached acceptance, and I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy the game tremendously, probably in high res mode. I can't wait to play the game :-)
You may want to make it even more upfront about it, so that people can take the time to go through the various stages of grief before the game is released.
Who killed 1987? No idea, but I promise I won't try to frame you anymore.
[1] A game that does that remarkably is *Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP*. Most of the graphics are 16bit era low res, but high resolution elements are mixed in (those are often plot critical). The HUD is hi-res. Effects are high res. The sprites are animated in low resolution, but when they move from on the screen, they do it smoothly in high resolution. They always end aligned on the grid.
And I agree with Bogdan; characters look too sharp. Nice scene though.
Could you tell me if your presence at GDC is listed as a particular event, or something?
Thank you
Sounds like you have plenty on your plate to sell the game. I hope it goes really, really well and you get a new "Best Game Play" award. :-)
I agree with you Ron, having played the revised Monkey Island Games, it was cool to toggle back to original art, but after 5 minutes, was fun to toggle back to what was suggested. You guys have a good eye.
Meaning, the first time, I'll literally going play this 1991 style! Then, fast forward to 1994 - have voice work! Any maybe the better effects, if I can't save that for later, 'cause this'll feel like I'm playing a game from the DOTT era ;).
I'm looking forward to the media response, too.
I wish I could bring you all one Coke a day, next week.
Would you please post a "postcard" from the GDC, one day Jenn, the next David, and so on? Just a picture, or a greeting line "we miss you". Because we miss you too.
In exchange, we promise to cheer you up!
And have a nice time in San Francisco!
@Ron - regarding pixels and scaling: maybe you can show the pixel mode in compare to the scale mode? And because i am curious I would like to see how blurring would look like. Is that possible?? (Would help you to avoid a second million)
Or is it actually the purist mode?
But it's just a downscaled version of the original image we see in this post
The background is downscaled too.
But the result on the two characters isn't bad!
I agree that having the characters in higher resolution makes them unnaturally sharp. If the result in purist mode is similar to this one, I don't think it's crap. I could use it.
Also, I miss games getting separate scores for graphics, sound and gameplay. Not sure how well games these days would score for the latter.
Good luck with GDC and this game is the one I'm most looking forward to.
I'll have to go with: "Ah, the pillow thief returns to the scene of the crime."
If ever any pixel appears to be too sharp in the future, I may consider this aid :)
"What- you don't recognise me?!"
"Oh-- that's you! Sorry, you looked so pixellated, I had to step back first."
@Mark - Awesome pic!
Though the day i will have played it to the end will be a very sad one... Could you please build in a bug, that doesn't allow the player to play it to the end?
"Use Reyes with Microwave"
I also don't think it would look good between the arrows, it would be to cramped and also doesn't make much sense (like you said)
One other possibility would be to put it into the inventory (but then you would have to scroll to switch persons under certain circumstances), or to add it as verb (but then one existing verb needs to be removed).
Btw. it seems like this icon in the corner will be very translucent by default (unless you move the mouse over it I guess). See these screenshots for instance:
(it shouldn't be hidden completely because then people won't find it or will forget about it)
How many years of game development experience does Ron have? We should really trust him more :-)
Also commenting on unfinished games is always tricky. I'm sure Ron is often rolling his eyes reading some of our comments here :-)
Yes DOTT has up to 3, but I have no idea how it will be in Thimbleweed Park (how many characters are available at the same time). It's probably more.
I agree that it can be tricky.
I think it will be five playable characters in Thimbleweed Park.
It would have been much easier to design a game without having multiple characters in the same world, interacting with the world and with same NPCs and also with each other, so thanks for putting all the effort into this game!
@longuist: Oohh I have something for you: You just have to use an object with the image of the character and they will automatically transfer the item! The first time you even get a cutscene seeing them standing at the Chron-o-John.
Ah yes, i remember, thx. On first playthrough i didnt know this shortcut, so this must have been such a dramatic experience that my subconscious mind made me forget that i learned about it in the meantime :)
Am I right?
P.S.: for non-italian users: Brescia correct pronunciation is like "pressure" but with an initial B: "Bressure"
You kids behave at GDC! Remember to send a postcard :)
Thanks for this "old school" game , I am eager to play this game.
I do hope Disney calls you about Monkey Island. May I suggest a sequel trilogy, maybe featuring Guybrush and Elaine's son? I can imagine something like Geldwig Threepwood, (name has to start with a G right?) and he could want to be a pirate like his dad, but in a time where piracy is becoming less common... Anyways, just throwing ideas your way, plus I have no idea how copyrights and that leagl stuff works. You probably have your hands tied on many points regarding monkey island. I propose a national Disney boycott until they call you to make a deal about MK!
Well anyways I probably would have wrote you and sent you drawings as a kid as well if I had had your adress, so consider this my belated thank you note on putting so much work in giving the world awesome games. ( I remember those floppy disks... Installing windows or any big program on a computer would take hours lol) You truly are a pioneer. Live long and prosper and program on ;)
Eek eek oop!
considering the effort put into this "remaster" the price should be 90% off.
As maniac mansion is still playable inside the game, i wonder if Gary and Ron get a small slice from the cake.
Nevertheless what i wanted to say is that 15 bucks for an old IP with some improvements looks too much for me, even it is a remaster with remake work under the hood.
p.s. also i did not want to downspeak the work of the artists involved
p.p.s. all this ranting may be the outcome of my ignorant self, who does not seem to understand the need to "remaster" old classic games..
There is no real need to create a new art style like it happened with Special Editions of MI 1&2 (which some people didn't like / hated because they imagined their Pixel-Guybrush in another way).
Also you may not be their target audience. I think it's great that you can buy this game again + it will run on all kind of modern platforms so a lot of (young) people can enjoy it who never have played this game before.
I for myself bought it just because of the commentary track.
You can start (if you like) with: "Its a me, Ron!"
And dont forget what you did last week and gonna do next week.
...please grant me one day.
I am sure I will make laugh everybody for my Terrible™ english pronunciation... but it's just for fun, so I beg your pardon in advance :-)
The purist mode should be the normal mode, and the non-purist "fancy scaling mismatching pixels fest" mode the option, at least that's my opinion.
If it's the same as MI1 then I think I'm in the pixel purist camp, as I always liked the way Guybrush went into the distance as a nice bundle of pixels... it kinda mimics regular sight, how things get less distinct and more abstract as they get further away.
I really like, that I have the choice to play the game as old school as I want to.
This is marvelous! I never listened to SID chip. I never had a Commodore. All my friends had it, but I only had an Atari 2600 then until I could buy the PC. :(
Please create a pixilated version of yourself to use for public appearances.
The xbox GDC article talks alot about the controller mechanic (and how awesome it is):
This interview is so cool!!
Though the video is a bit jerky, or is it only my computer?
- Italian:
- Spanish:
- French:
That article is interesting, in particular the video where the guy (Vincenzo Lettera) met Ron Gilbert at GDC (lucky him!), played the demo. In the video, he talks about strengths and weaknesses of the game.
Well, for my part, I can actually wait for the final game. In my opinion, this blog is demonstrative enough.
On popular request one day ago, here is a new Thimbleweed Park Podcast!
As promised, I made a podcast until a new one will be published on this site.
Meanwhile... enjoy this fake one!
(Disclaimer: it's just for fun! Nobody get hurt and please, don't be offended...)
That was awesome! :D
I love your accent!
Thank you for your comments, really... I am happy for having made you happy with some cut'n'paste from various podcasts, and a few sentences imitating Ron's speech inflection. Probably I went a little overboard...
Except for Carlo Valenti and Ema, has anyone figured out what I said beyond the end of the podcast? :-)
You should deserve a line or two in the game ;)
and sorr,y no, I didn't get the "bonus" at the end; my italian isn't what it used to be...
Greetings from Austria
Grande Zak :-)
But together with a cup of tea and the Danish Cookies shaped butter! :-D
IF no user disagree
IF every Team Member quoted in that podcast (Ron, Gary, David, Mark, Octavi, Jenn, Robert) agree,
IF there are enough supporters who ask for it
I can plan to do another "fake" podcast, for example with a summary of the interview among Ron Gilbert and the guys at GDC / The Verge.
What do you think?
Which city are you from?
No no, I prefer to leave everything to those who are able to make them: you!
I'm from italy too, Florence...
I have to put my hands on it!
OK, we are four, now: Genoa, Milan, Florence, Brescia.
If you really liked it so much, maybe I can make others.
But the last thing I want is to upset any of the Team Members.
So, I would be sure not to have angered someone with this podcast, before making a new one...
(it has been the major topic during this week, while you were busy at GDC!)
Which was the major thing you learnt about Thimbleweed Park at GDC, in your opinion?
It has been an exciting week, also to us.
To me, this blog is mainly fun. To you, this game is work, also.
I appreciate very much the efforts, the ideas, the lasting, the sharings, the will to do things right. I try to learn from everything you, the others, and the followers also are writing.
Thus, I wish to thank you all again.
(no joke intended, at least this time)
If that's true, then show me your evidence!
I'm expecting the pre-GDC podcast done today! Avanti!
That said, I would totally understand the team, if they are going to abstain from involving us in the development of their succeeding game, because this blog might be quite time-consuming for them, albeit it helps them to find out what the audience likes.
Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure