More Mark Ferrari
by Ron Gilbert
Jun 03, 2015
Jun 03, 2015
Here is a interview with Mark about his work and Thimbleweed Park:
And another one of Mark's test images for Ransome's circus...

We'll be posting for of Marks stuff over the next few weeks. I'll also be posting a bunch of pictures from my drive up to Seattle and you will need to sit quietly and look at them all with me. Every single one!
- Ron
If they wanted to include both styles, a possible solution would be to have the main game in this Monkey Island style, but then do the flashbacks in Maniac Mansion style...
i.e. "...two years ago, back when graphics were simpler..."
and then the scene is in an art style that is older.
It might feel a little like Lucasfilm games had skipped Maniac Mansion, Zak and Indy 3, and Monkey Island would have been the first thing. Many of us hope that this will be the first game, and that there will be another. I could understand why you have your hopes that they will sort of "re-enact" times of past and start out with a game that looks a lot more like Maniac Mansion, and later have one that looks like Monkey Island.
It's a bit like that, right? :)
And this is where I think we're all gonna be fine because ... really all of Lucasfilms later games adopted some more specific styles. Ferrari made Monkey Island 1 look quite ... realistic, actually. It wasn't toony, or like a comic. Was it Steve Purcell who did Money Island 2s paintings? That looked quite a bit more like a comic, only Guybrush and Marley and a few other characters not so much :).
Where was I going with this ... I had a point.
Guess what I'm saying is .... all these Lucasfilm games had at distinct style, and that of Maniac Mansion and Zak Mc Kracken in it's first versions was very imaginative, like you say. But I am sure we cannot have both. Maybe Ron, David and Gary were a bit torn about that decision, too.
We can probably all agree that not a single one of these didn't wake our imagination. All if them are in my heart. I never thought I'd see this again. The artists is recognisable just by looking at it. You know who made this, if you're into that kind of thing. Technically the art is crafted with tools that have unlimited undo/redo and the artist has learned a lot since Monkey Island -- and it shows. This is going to be something that I'm sure will be just as fondly remembered in the future! This is going to be timeless.
But of course, we never know what the future holds. Creating a game in the style of Maniac Mansion and never deviating from it... this is going to be so hard! Imagine all these ideas you have for ... new perspectives. New angles. Colorplay. Either you embrace it, and you limit yourself happily, or it'll feel like you've got these old, rusty shackles on. You'll be tempted to break free every time you have an idea that wouldn't be in there if you stick to the style. That's the amazing thing. What Gary did in *just* that style back then, and what he can do with it today, is awe inspiring. Maybe later down the like there will be a spiritual successor to Zak, who knows. Maybe then, the artist will just be Gary, then.
But making this one adventure in two styles, basically ... that is a very expensive undertaking.
This might not be much of comfort, but have you played these before?
You should release it as a preview like StarCitizen did with the hangar module: The Thimbleweedpark Circus Module :-)
Just kidding. I'd love it but I know that there's so much more to it than "just" release what's there.
Keep this early stage artwork coming. I just can't get enough of pixel art.
1) Would it be possible to have the avatar of the blog posts author on the Top left? I always scroll down First to see Who wrote the blog entry so that i know which voice i have to imagine ;-)
2) Would it be possible to Highlight New comments since my last visit? Simply store a cookie with the current Server timestamp after each page view, so when the client sends it back you can see what comments came in between? Since the comment section gets more and more alive it gets harder to see which are new.
I hope you settle in quickly and without problems in Seattle!
Sounds more like *Ronsome* the clown! :D
I just asked, because you regret the absence of D-Paint in pursuance of the interview on geekscape. It's really interesting how drastically the art of image editing has evolved since.
I think EA should just stop making FIFAs and make 8-bit picture editing software.
This whole thing gets better and better every day.
Amazing Stuff!
OMG! Tramapoline! Trabopoline!
I just looked the gallery at and it was truly MESMERIZING.
It totally set the mood of the games, and was, for me, integral to the experience of the games. The same goes for the Zelda series (Wind Waker has wonderful folksy sounding stuff).
The marimba trills of the MI2 theme (first time I heard Adlib music) gave me an aural orgasm. The bass line of that tune is sooooo sexy.
I now use the Scabb island overview theme as a lullaby for my son.
The intro used for the podcast is pretty good (setting the mood and all), but the rest of the KS video music quickly delves into cerebral musician wankery with gratuitous tempo variations and chords whose name require four letters three numbers then an array of non-ASCII sigils that add nothing at all.
Wireframe music, maybe?
I love the Walking Bass, some kind of Jazzy Feeling...
Michael Land is a bass player, and it shows MI has wonderful bass parts.
I was always drawn to the beautiful backgrounds.
This is all I ever wanted!
Also I am not sure about the contour lines. They give it kind of a cartoonish appearance, while old adventures due to the resolution usually avoided those lines.
That style of art represents a couple of decades of experience in pixel artistry; and gorgeous as it is, it lacks the restrain and simplicity that hardware limitations of the day -- and even the still burgeoning experience of a brand new art form -- would have enforced on a creative mind such as his.
Personally, that "look" reminds me of any other "retro" game being produced in iOS now. And I say that with the utmost respect and admiration to Mark's talents.
I'm not saying that it has to be all blocky pixels and 16 colour palettes, but there should be a middle ground somewhere.
It doesn't look like Maniac Mansion, sure, but it perfectly captures the look of the games that came out shortly after it.
Either way, it could be an interesting blend of the two. I most certainly do not dislike the look, quite to the contrary. But I do also agree that it does away with the more flat style 2D objects in a 2D world kind of look.
What do we do about this? Do we do something about this at all? I'm madly in love with Maniac Mansion AND Monkey Island, and this now feels more like a spiritual successor to both, equally now. :) The question is simply if we want both, or one or the other. I've always said that I would love to encourage Ron, Gary and David (and Ferrari) to produce another game like this, after Thimbleweed Park. Sort of like history. Starting out with a spiritual successor to Maniac Mansion. Then letting David think about a spiritual successor to Zak. Then again Ron, to make one more for Monkey Island -- and then definitely with Ferrari onboard of course.
Choices, choices! :D
I would prefer less cartoon style (it looks for me a little bit like Morris "Lucky Luke") and more the Style of Monkey 1 or Loom. Mark draws this nice stars, that we all know from Monkey 1 or Loom and this atmospheric forest scenes. Maybe it's possible to recreate that atmosphere. The pictures are nice but more Comic - Style in my opinion...
But in general, everything is great...
And Sam'n Max looks extremely toony. If I look at the picture in this article and the circus total shot from Secret of Monkey Island, what immediately stands out is that we're using a lot more of the VGA color palette here. Back in the day, Ferrari had first created EGA and Amiga (32 colors) graphics backgrounds, and only after that they were edited to take advantage to make use of the VGA color palette. Still, even the finished VGA version of Secret of Monkey Island looks nowhere nearly as crass with the colours as LeChucks Revenge. The forest backgrounds were just a few shades of blue and grey, even in the VGA version. So, they never really exhausted the VGA palette, and I think some of these indexed colours had to be reserved for the interface. In the EGA version, iirc, the interface even changes color when you're beneath the giant monkey head...
TL;DR -- to me this looks like a more colourful version of Monkey Island 1. So far.
Well -- we'll have to see how this turns out. Can only say -- if anyone knows what they're doing it's this dream team.
Some examples, just off the top of my head, in Monkey Island alone:
--the town scene (with the arch and clock over the arch) goes way back into a vanishing point perspective through the arch
--the Hook Isle scene has the ladder in the foreground and the rope goes across the water to the house off into the far background...
--the circus establishing shot has Guybrush in the foreground of the forest, with the circus far back in the background
--Stan's shipyard has the path at the front, the hut and Grog machine further back, and then the ships and the pier going way back
The depth of the Monkey Island scenes are part of the what made the game feel vast and expansive, as most scenes were drawn with a perspective that let you see way off into the distance (and you could often actually walk into that far distance as well).
As far as complexity, it is drawn with the same block pixels, so it's not any more complex than those classic adventure games...
The one area I will agree with you though is just specifically with the color gradients - they are really smooth in some places in these Thimbleweed Park scenes compared to the older games.
For example, the moon in the new circus shot... the blues around it going from light blue to darker blue are very smooth, while in the classic games, it would normally look way more pixelated as it changed from one color to the next.
The gradients look a lot more like "old times" that way because they are just ever so slightly fuzzy, and do not form a completely perfect circle in circles with that moon.
Just thought I'd see what it looks like. Tried EGA palette, Amiga Palette, and with some manual adjustments this would look very nice in all of them. Maybe EGA not so much, but ... just toying around anyway.
Also worth checking out the program GrafX2 (as someone else already mentioned), as it is based on Deluxe Paint...
But I'll admit we are leaving 1987 and entering 1991-1992.
On the art style I would hope for at least 60% MM and 40% MI. From the beginning I've gotten the feeling that the whole project is an hommage to the beginning of an era, which was MM. The early blockyness has it's own soul and way of communicating ideas. Somehow it would feel strange that the 1st generation visuals would mostly get skipped, in a way. Someone commented on an earlier post that the MM style was even distasteful, but I don't agree with those kinds of sentiments at all. I think the future could hold other projects, where the the style set point could be somewhere else.
On the other hand, I do enjoy all the Lucasarts tiers of styles and feel that the team will bring the best solution for us to enjoy, be it more or less refined in any direction.
Music of the day: Monkey Island theme with accordion intro
Can't wait for the Seattle trip photos. Hopefully you're enjoying your new house/apartment/castle or perhaps a mansion...a mansion?
Ron, if you can say at this point, what level of graphical fidelity are you going for here for the final bg art - would it be similar to these test backgrounds? (I ask because to my untrained eye they're closer to MI then MM - not that I'm complaining one bit!)
I would love to see more picture, very soon.
One question: Mark was also part of the Zak McKracken Team, is that right? Also "Indiana Jones and the last Crusade" and "Fate of Atlantis" ??? Some Background Art in Fate of Atlantis looks like Mark Ferrari!
Was that location inspired by that town?
In fact, I'd LOVE to play a game with these graphics. These were a big part of the classic adventures success imo. So pretty!