More PAX West
Sep 06, 2016
More exciting pictures from Thimbleweed Park at PAX West. PAX West was four days and the forth day was grueling, but the excitement and energy around the booth kept us going.
Like PAX East, we had four stations that remained full right up to closing time when we had to kick people off. At PAX East we had a long line of people waiting to play, but for west we created a signup list, so people could get their name on it and then go off for a bit and come back. Hard to tell for sure, but it seem to work a lot better.
It was great to meet so many backers and blog readers. We also had a lot of people come up that had never heard of the game before, but they were big Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion fans. We also had people that had never really played adventure games before, so it was nice to see their reaction. Much disappointment that the game wasn't out yet.

But all good things must come to an end, and it was time to dismantle the booth. It took up a whole day to set up and a little more than an hour to tear down.

Everything packed into my Jeep ready for storage until next time.

Thanks to David and Chase for watching the booth and helping get people signed up and playing. Thanks to our friends Sophie and Owen who took some shifts and helped out. Elise, who does the voice for Delores, even stopped by to help out for a few hours. And huge thanks to ThimbleTeam member Jenn who designed and organized the booth and all our merch.
And most of all, thanks to everyone that stopped by to say hi and play the game.
We're trying to figure out how to do something like this in Europe. The logistic are a lot harder and it's quite a bit more expensive, but we're thinking... we've got our smart-glasses on.
- Ron
And let's hope you all get away without the obligatory convention sickness.
Short drive from Netherlands, Belgium, short flights from UK or Scandinavia, eastern/southern Germany is about 3hrs away by train as well as is France.
Sebastian (living close to a very good location to demo adventure games - pure coincidence *cough*)
Let's change country.
It's not fair to ask to come in the living country, so... I'll suggest two non-italian European countries.:
San Marino or Vatican City.
It' s up to Ron and the team. I do not know whether they are looking for a location where they've not yet presented Thimbleweed Park or which allows them to reach the largest audience.
Switzerland is fine...
He's young inside!
I hope you can come to Gamex in Sweden!
can I call shotgun already to be the fist guy playing the demo at your booth? :-P
Sunny Spain is waiting for you!
What did all the players and testers say about the new UI?
Have you skipped some ideas, have you got new ideas? What was most interesting, most funny reaction of all the players??
Many thanks...
I'm guessing it's David, he seems the most likely to be into avant-garde UK electronica.
(My guess: Jenn)
It still amazes me that there are people from one of the focus groups (LFL nuts, MI players, 30something) who have not yet heard of the game.
These frilly curtain tables - so 80s Americana computer expo...
By the way, you're always welcome here in Iceland. We may not have any regular gaming conventions, but still... Feel free to visit!
Cheers Magnar
1) That would take some time to write.
2) There is no/really-flaky internet/cell-reception in the convention hall. Too many phones! I would go hours and never get a connection.
So: Waiting lines are good.
...Excpect for the people in the line ;-)
It seems that there wasn't even enough space for a queue, unless you are looking for a fateful confrontation with the host.
Unfortunately, I personally would not be able to visit your booth in Europe. But, I'm okay with just waiting for the release of the game.
You are in for a surprise :-)
True, for such case it is really great that you can just buy the same furniture from IKEA but on the other side of the planet.
While he rendered a positive overall assessment, the author surprisingly wrote that the controls could have been a bit more streamlined. Well, I honestly don't know at all what he means by this. I couldn't imagine a better UI. Perhaps he would have preferred a game controller.
Maybe a webcam watching the eye-movements could be such an improvement?
Ron: Use Jen on mission, "Setup PAX booth"
Jen: "Setup PAX booth,
"Serup PAX both" was super effective
Unlocked! New customers!
I wonder how adventure game newbies percieved the game the first time they played. I mean not your averige call of duty guy but one who appreciates a bit more thoughtful game. It would be cool if the effect was often the same kind of amazement as when I got my first doses of Lucasfilm/Sierra games.