Office Areas
Jun 25, 2015
Gary, David (and now Mark) and I don't have offices in the sense that we get up and drive or take the subway to work each morning. It's the year 2015 for crying out loud! It's all about the virtual office now! Skype and Slack! To hell with human contact. That's so 2014.
A couple of people in the comments have asked to see our work areas so we'd thought we post them. It's easier than writing an actual blog post.
Gary is the only one of us that doesn't work at home, but we still make sure he's deprived of human contact.

David's office looks suspiciously clean.

Mark wins for having the coolest office.

My excuse is I just got done moving and all my cool stuff is still packed. Yeah. That's what I'm going with.

Yeah, I know. Not that exciting. Not sure what you were expecting.
- Ron
Another thing @Ron: Just wanted to remind you, that you wanted to post Information on upgrading the pledges here on the blog after your move! Anything on that would be really appreciated because I too want to Upgrade my pledge!
Any chance - to be utterly ungrateful™ - of comparison photos from the Lucasfilm Games / LucasArts era? (although @Peter here in comments already unearthed one...)
Especially since "Return of the Jedi" made never sense to me: Return where? From wehre? How many return? Did some stay? I'm just happy that Lucas isn't messing up the new films!
Ah well, that could all be wrong and I don't pretend to be an expert on the matters -- just some theories.
Revenge of the Jedi: Screw you for cutting off my hand!!!!
Made my Day! :-)
So David forced Gary and Mark to use Photoshop and clean up his picture? :P
In other words, you liked the music for MI 1 & 2? Blame Michael Land.
Also, you guys must have soms of the best and coolest collectoritems around, ik it comes to games like Maniac Mansion, Zak mckracken, Monkey Island, etc.
I'd love to see more of those!
Thnx guys and succes!
pretty much anywhere. Sometime I'd connect to a larger monitor but always seemed a little unwieldy. In any
case I also really like being able to see the work at close to a scale most of the people playing the
game will.
and just became a dinosaur of habit...maybe when they come out with a mind control tablet
I'll switch...
My sincere thanks for keeping the fans and your backers up-to-date with this awesome project! I have backed couple of KS projects, and they have failed to keep my *emotions* attached (being lazy with their updates). Something silly like seeing your desks is fun and great and dandy.... I still feel like "investor" even if I am practically doing nothing but enjoying reading/hearing these blog posts.
PS: mailtron3000 is a must for me and perhaps you could occasionally also send KS emails to the ones that haven't subscribed and miss the highlight of development.
That's been a 25 year search for me!
Gary Winnick: nice office! Every picture in order, aligned and equally spaced, confortable.
It's the best office I've ever seen!
Ron Gilbert: beautiful office, with the action figure of Guybrush, the skeletons that remind me of Grim Fandango, and that clock, is awesome!
Now, it's the best office I've ever seen!
Mark Ferrari: cool office! With every sort of art a human being can imagine! And that bookcase full of objects worthy of Indiana Jones, not to mention that big key useful to open a certain pyramid... then substituted by a giant bobby pin sign!
This is the best office I've ever seen!
David Fox: I like your office very much, there is a desk lamp similar to the one found in Maniac Mansion (the medical room with the skeleton), an old-fashion telephone, a part of the broom alien on the wall and some Lucasfilm movie posters... I'd like to see also the posters of Zak McKracken :-)
Definitively, it's the best office I've ever seen!!!