PAX Setup
by Ron Gilbert
Sep 03, 2016
Sep 03, 2016
I don't have time to write a lengthy post today, so I thought I'd show some pictures of your PAX booth setup:

- Ron
I don't have time to write a lengthy post today, so I thought I'd show some pictures of your PAX booth setup:
- Ron
That's how the booth at Gamescom should have looked like.
Hope you have a great time there.
(But I know, implementing such a co-op mode would be a lot of additional work. :))
But one thing which was discussed was local co-op in the following way:
Two players use two input devices controlling the same character, i.e. you don't have to hand the controller/mouse to the other player when he wants to try something. Or you can cancel all the actions of your significant other because you are an asshat :-)
It would be extra effort, but more easily possible. You could also have the character's eyes track different cursors :D
In the current setup you have to control all of the characters seperatly. So it's (relative) easy to implement a split screen co-op mode where the two players are controlling two different characters. That will work because the two player will (and have to) interact with each other to solve the puzzles. I don't know about the game design, but I assume that you can leave the most puzzles as they are.
I don't think it's easy. The engine and the scripts probably only expects having one active actor. Changing all this could be a lot of work. Also the game and especially UI expects 16:9 ratio. But we could work around this by requiring a multi-monitor setup. (Having non-local multiplayer would require netcode, synchronisation, a lot of testing etc. which would require really tremendous effort, so this should be out of question.)
Regarding gameplay: The puzzles probably aren't that much designed with having multi-character actions all the time in mind, like for instance The Cave™. So often characters wander around, doing there own thing (flashbacks...), progressing the story, talking to NPCs. Which means you would have to constantly watch the other character so you can follow the whole TWP story. (Actually the game maybe would have to pause gameplay during dialogs anyway so there isn't so much chatter going on at the same time).
Btw. do you know The Cave™? You would probably like it (though it doesn't have split-screen either).
Your suggestion is of course easier to implement, but I still think that it will not work: The players have to communicate but this communication will turn (at some point) into a "fight" about the control of the character. Even between two friends. :)
And I know The Cave, I played it at least two times (and missed the two-player-co-op-mode ;)).
It is fun playing and figuring puzzle solutions out with another person.
In a general sense co-op would be nice in such games. It works in The Cave™.
E.g. Sam&Max would be predestined for two-player co-op!
I don't remember any P&C Adventure with split-screen, it could be really interesting!
This could be an idea for Terrible Toybox's next game!
Haven't gotten around to do so, but thanks for reminding me.
But no LEGO Star Wars (yet).
Sebastian (writing this from a "Kallax"-desk)
So the San Pellegrino water is sent even in Seattle? Good! :-)
It's pleasant to have a TP mouse pad as well beneath one's own hand, this time, when you see those photos.
Nevertheless, I somehow envy these visitors. :-)
Almost forgot: don't look for the book in the game. The game is set in 1987, the book hadn't been written yet.
Almost forgot: don't look for the book in the game. The game is set in 1987, the book hadn't been written yet.
Every book in the Mansion Mansion library has a title length limited to 25 chars.
The book "dismissed freaky inventions that every would like to have still today" is longer, so it could not exist!
The sign is a fake one!
"No further questions, your Honor"
It looks amazing :D
Such a bummer that i can't be there :(
Anyway Have fun guys :D
Joking aside, leather pads are easy to clean, and you don't touch them with your face.
And, there is currently no flu epidemic.
Well, I don't know what they have paid for the headphones, but, at least they are good enough and comfortable.
(Back in the days of telephone booths there were several studies that suggest not to put the phone on your ears. And even in companies they found several bacteria on the phones.)
By the way, your immune system even needs germs in order to stay strong. For this reason, antibacterial products are highly controversial. Bearing a too aseptic life is even suspected of causing allergies, for instance.
Oh, forgot something: the chance of getting a disease from an headset is similar to the chance of getting it handling cash. So, don't forget to make all your transactions with your ATM card, but don't forget your latex gloves in case you have to digit your pin.
do you mount all that with your own tiny hands? :)
Thanks for your time
Great job, TWP Team! The game is awesome! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE RELEASE!!!