Thimbleweed Park @ PAXAus
Nov 06, 2016
We had a great time at the Thimbleweed Park community event in Melbourne. We didn't have a booth (apologies to those of you who wondered around the floor looking for us), but opted instead for a open event that anyone could come to and enjoy a nice drink. We didn't have the budget to ship our whole booth the Australia, or pay for booth space.

Instead, we took over a corner in a bar close to the convention center and set up a station for anyone to play.

It's hard to say how many people came, there was another PAX event there, and it was still open to the public, but a lot of people came by to say hi and we had some great conversation about adventure games, pixels, Thimbleweed Park, Maniac Mansion, and Monkey Island.
Great fun all around!

We're planning on a trip to Europe in January. I don't know where we'll stop, budget is pretty limited, but we'll do a few community events.

- Ron
Glad to see that everyone enjoyed the event!
The odds to meet you or any other TWP team member are increasing in January for me, that's a good news to start this Sunday morning. Have a nice day.
There is a gaming convention 8-13 november in Zagreb, infogamer
Ralf - looking forward to play the game!
Can't wait for the game to come out 😃
I hope you can come to Madrid, Spain.
You can crash at my place any time you want (as long as you're not allergic to cats XXXXXD )
Ron, my house is yours too :-p I'll can show you my Monkey Island collection in perfect state :-D
The problem is, Zurich is one of the most expensive cities in the world :P it can be heavy on the budget.
"January 26 to 29, 2017, we hope to see you there."
Sounds very, very good!!
That made me think...What is the "feelie" that's being included with the boxed edition of the game? Even though the cards would be cool to have, it wouldn't seem like one of the typical feelies you would find in a LucasArts game. Whatever it is needs to be a real-world item seemingly lifted out of the Thimbleweed universe. And, it should also be very representative of the late 80s. At first, I thought of a circus poster with Ransome (I think he has a circus background, yes?), but I don't think you can make a circus poster seem like it's from the 80s, can you?
I'm sure it'll be good whatever it is.
Naturally, I first thought "newspaper" because that's so easy or traditional. But, a newspaper for the feelie seems a tad boring.
I always thought a 5 1/4" floppy of Thimbleweed park would be cool. Maybe with the current sophisticated graphics it should actually be on a 3.5" floppy. Of course the disk wouldn't work, but it would be kind of funny. I don't know though, a floppy disk seems a little boring, too. I mean, there wouldn't be much to read or investigate. I think it would have to be some kind of reading material. Then, I thought some travel brochures would be PERFECT. A bit more fun that just a newspaper. If Thimbleweed at one time was likened to Hollywood, maybe one of the pamphlets could be a "Map to the Stars". I wonder if Ron has something fun and clever in mind already.
and "MAIN characters"- not "man characters". I swear I am not sexist.
Go and get one.
Please come to Poland, we have a lot of retrogaming fans here.
Check out Pixel Heaven Festival
Wish I'd stuck around to try to get one of those mouse pads though!
01101110 = N
01100101 = E
01110010 = R
01100100 = D
Just a reminder for everybody, when you want to be cool and write in binary, use UPPERCASE letters.
EBCDIC encodings do not have codes compatible with ASCII. Nor extraterrestial culture encodings. Nor other-dimension encodings. ;)
Zurich is the midpoint of Europe, and I'm saying that TOTALLY unselfish, it's for everyone's interest that they choose Zurich as one of their tour stops.
But if I had to follow my heart, come to Italy or Spain! :-p
So why Spain?
Anyway, Switzerland would be great, but I couldn't move (small baby at home, no time for trips) so even if it were Luzern I doubt I could make it. So let's hope for Zurich :P
I think one of the countries around it would be better, at least they use the same currency like most of EU.
And in case you want to come by car: Be careful with your speed, the don't *beep* around!
Anyway I was in Switzerland years ago and a pigeon (ahah) pooped on my shoulders and I bought a beautiful new t-shirt with a few francs.
I pay more than 3000 euros per month just for rent.
A pizza margherita costs 14 euros AT LEAST.
Guga, do you live in a villa with a private spa and swimming pool?
In fact, every time I go back to Italy for vacation, I feel rich as f**k. Once you get used to live in the most expensive city in the world, everywhere else is cheap! Going to Italy and paying a third of the price for a pizza... and a REAL pizza, not the sad imitation they do here, it's priceless.
Or, well, by definition it's priced, but you know what I mean
the average price for a pizza margherita is 4 euros. Here. I hope for 14 euros it is a 12-inch pizza and 1 inch thick , at least!
In fact, I once made the mistake to tell my parents how much I earn. They were convinced I was rich, like, Serie A low-tier football player rich.
Then they came here to visit us, went to a grocery store, saw that peppers cost 7 euros per kilogram instead of 1 like in Cagliari, and they were convinced I was poor.
It was fun.
It's a national route crossing the Po Valley.
Count the roundabouts... :-),10.042517,14z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x4781a73310b41e2d:0x43b0ad58dd8bc1d2!2m2!1d10.2178501!2d45.3680207!1m5!1m1!1s0x47812c28b474095d:0x82c3b6f673d0fd73!2m2!1d9.503716!2d45.3097228
Better for you, from now on.... :-(
It is not only a spacestation, it also houses the world's oldest hackerspace and consequently a lot of pixel-lovin' nerds ;D
Huge <3, riot
I grew up with your adventure games, should be fun to meet.
"Parental experts should be stick to education and not talk politics"
"Zak Phoenix McKracken should not spam the TWP Dev Blog"
Seriously, some people thinks that the world is only theirs?!
I have to say that, if it's true that every media content is capable of express a political significance (political in a wide meaning, concerning the aspects of our social life of communities), some games from Gilbert have much more awareness of this role, compared to other titles. That's one of the things that kept me interested in them over the years, as they mantain a significance in my adult age, as well as I ever appreciated strictly political opinions from this blog.
1) discuss politics as if they were discussing football support
2) just say a lot of populist commonplaces without knowing anything of what they're saying
3) just say a lot of populist and racist things without having any cultural substrate to understand they are saying a lot of nonsense. And they think that people who doesn't think the same is people who doesn't have the guts to say things as they really are.
maybe points 2 and 3 could sound similar... :-)
Conversely, the world could be better if people were instructed better to politics and to history, and on how to discuss and face the problems of the society.
I agree with you, if you mean that it is not good to take a point of view for granted, without thinking about it, without catching the opportunity of really listen to others. If I think of the future, you're right, it would be better if everyone is educated about history, social sciences and politics (and also english language, not like me! ahahah).
But since we have to consider the moment in which we live, and the persons that we have in front of us, talking without prejudice is the best thing we could do (IMHO), if we want to talk.
There was one time when people who had cruel, racist or fascist thoughts, used to hide them. To feel guilty about them.
And used to milden them, to make their position acceptable to other people. And used to think that expressing those thoughts in a gross way, could have lead people to dispprove.
Now we're in the "I can tell whatever I want" era. No matter if what I say is offensive, cruel, stupid, or even simply wrong.
People doesn't understand that if they have the right to talk, they should also have the duty to think about others before saying bullshit.
And that if they have the right to talk, I should have the right not to hear words that are offensive to me.
And if those people could be more educated to the respect of others, and if that people studied history, law, social sciences they would think twice before opening their mouth.
But nowadays, no matter what you say. It matters how much loud you say it.
Chi vusa pussee, la vaca l'è sua.
(The one who claims it louder, is the one who gets the cow).
'Respect' is the key, and it is not taught in our schools anymore.
The other key is 'awareness', about people surrounding us.
A clever teacher, speaking about bullism in a non-italian school, 5 months ago said the following words:
"The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words."
Half population in USA didn't play Zak McKracken, I suppose.
That's about a quarter of those allowed to vote (note that is seems like in many states people convicted of felonies aren't allowed to vote, wtf!?).
They didn't specify a source for eligible and registered voters so I'm not sure how accurate they are.
On the Wikipedia article is says 251M Voting Age Population while the original article says 219 eligible voters.
The difference is probably because of: "residents without citizenship, and, in most states, people convicted of felonies".
"When there's only one candidate, there's only one choice!" :-D
2) tweet from Mrs. Annie Fox:
3) User comments on a recent post on Thimbleweed Park page (comment has been deleted by now, can't find anymore)
Blog here anything, post a recipe, draw in ascii art, write random characters.... But we neeeeeeed a blog post!