Pigeon Brothers
Jan 30, 2015
Regarding concept sketches in general: When Ron and I come up with an idea that we need to visualize, it may require some research - I.E. I may not know what a particle accelerator looks like off the top of my head - and the internet is a wonderful resource (I used to have to physically go to the library and look stuff up).
However in many cases I just quickly visualize and sketch things out of my head so we can get a fast idea of what something might look like, especially if we're including some sort of sight gag. "Is this actually funny?" "Really?".
A lot of the concept art we'll be posting are quick concepts, just to get our brains kick started. We're not married to anything we might come up with on the spur of the moment - however, sometimes the first quick pass can be the right direction.

Please keep it coming!
There's something inherently funny about the name Pigeon Brothers Plumbing.
I'm following you, really interesting, amazing dev blog!
"YOU put your hand in the toilet!"
"No, YOU put your hand in the toilet!"
"No, YOU!"
"Rusty pipe!"
But Taube (german) = deaf people (too)
Just as an inspiration for a "monkeywrenchpuzzle' which screws the non-native-german-speakers this time.