Thimbleweed Park Podcast #41
by Ron Gilbert
Feb 13, 2016
Feb 13, 2016
Where we talk about crunch food and George Lucas giving us neck rubs.
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- Ron
(black screen)
I didn't receive mine this time, so consider yourself lucky :-)
Regarding closeups: There aren't talking animations in The Secret of Monkey Island.
But they do have blinking eyes and sometimes different facial expressions like smirking.
About Arto: it's pronounced art-o. O is pronounced as in "chore", so it stops right after the o-part. I have found it difficult for any non-Finn I've come across, except maybe Italians (it is infact Italian and Celtic origin of Artos (bear), later Arthur in English). And my last name is just impossible. But R2 is fine with me ;)
About Ray/Reyes: it would be fun to know what was the plan why they were named similarly. But I guess that's 20th anniversary RHD (Ridiculous High Definition) re-release's commentary material.
Coincidence? Don't think so!
However, ArtuDitu è probabilmente un droide di origine sarda. :)
(To non-italians users: it's related to a particular region of Italy, by the way, we are just joking)
I think that the agents' names are too similar, I keep forgetting who's who.. :-(
I now understand why there are no close ups.
The only one on eBay shipping to my country was $10 for comic (#1 only) + $55 shipping...
And on Amazon UK I found offers for £999.11, WTF!
On Amazon US it was still in stock in December but those §%$!# wouldn't send to Europe directly! (now it says Out of Print)
For anyone interested in digitally reading Bad Dreams- here's the comixology link :
As far as the printed comics go, although I can't attest to the actual availability: - appears to list them in stock-
I'll also check-in with Red 5 and see if there's any way they can be ordered directly.
Wiring up rooms, getting art from an actual artist would be the dream state to achieve for myself, trying to slowly build a point 'n' click with a friend (both having full time day jobs and kids we'll probably have some sort of game in 10+ years ;-) ).
What are you going to do, if your company grows the same way as Humongous did? Who would do the administration?
PS: Thank you for smoking! :-)
if David would have answered "No!" to "Are you going to give the same answer to THIS question?"
after answering "No!" to "Are you going to answer THIS question?",
he would have created an equal contradiction as he did by answering "Yes". So you were doomed to short-circuit once you asked the question.
I look forward to your next question !
.... zzzcsrcstzzzz...
(noise of circuits slowly rebuilding themselves from their ashes, in the cold darkness of a winter night)
And for the art archive. Seems that i already saved a lot of it. And in 20 years, when TP is itself a classic, kickstarter and are history, i dust off a then uncommon hdd from the attic and release the pictures to the equivalent of the internet :)
Edmund Hotel:
Keep up the good work!
I personally think your current Business model is fine. Notch, the creator of "Minecraft"
was largely successful, and had a similar business\distribution model as yours.
This also gave Notch certain editorial freedom to change\sell his product how he wanted.
Ultimately, its a bit early to be talking about your next title, but I thought i'd ask your thoughts.
The Website:
The controversy:.
Well Said.
Just wanted to say thank you for all the reasonable answers.
You are right, crowdfunding is all about emotions, registered @ Kickstarter just for TP and was really sad that i had problems with my credit card at that time. So no phonebook for me. Cry. I only can get over this if you decide to make at least one more game!
...We are waiting for this game like a not-yet-parent is waiting for his first child birth...
...well, only 20 weeks left... give or take a few weeks.
Aren't you excited???
:) thanks!