Thimbleweed Park Podcast #53
by Ron Gilbert
Jun 11, 2016
Jun 11, 2016
Two blog posts in one day! It's the end of times! Better listen to this podcast quickly before it's too late!
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- Ron
It's just 3am here... oh well....
Finished the podcast, looking forward to the next, now I csn go to sleep.
Good night!
Can I ask where are you from?
I'm from Germany.
00100000 01010100 01001000 01000001 01001110 01001011 00100000 01011001 01001111 01010101 00101110
Fb lbh unq gb nqq rkgen haarprffnel pbagrag gb trg n pbzcerffvba engvb orybj bar?
Ng yrnfg zl grkg vf frpheryl rapelcgrq!
Such puzzles wouldn't be really an enjoyment for a lot of people... But there could be an easter egg!
Guvf gbbx n juvyr, v thrffrq vg unq gb or n fhofgvghgvba pvcure, ohg v gubhtug bs fbzrguvat gbb pbzcyvpngrq :/
(V nz n sbby va pelcgbtencul)
V abg ernyyl unq gb nqq haarprffnel pbagrag, zrnavatshy jbhyq unir orra fhssvpvrag :)
Nf guvf pbzcerffvba zrgubq gnxrf nqinagntr bs gur ercrgvgvba bs erpheevat cnggreaf, n ovttre vachg grkg jvyy yrnq gb n orggre engvb, fb lbh ner evtug nobhg gung.
Lbhe rapelcgvba vf uvtuyl fbcuvfgvpngrq, ohg gb znxr vg fgngr bs gur neg lbh fubhyq KBE vg jvgu 0k69 :)
"I’m more confused than mere words can convey".
I said i am *BEEP* at cryptography and therefore at a loss. Hexdecimal and then what? Even unXORing with 0x69 does not work. And everybody knows this is the holy grail of applied cryptography.
I used XOR as last step so yes, this is the first thing you should do (but then there is another step but it should be fairly obvious).
Of course I used XOR for *encryption*, for decryption you have to use unXOR :-)
Btw, even though XOR and unXOR is the same and thus the word is bullshit, i declare it as marketing term. Prepare to get sued.
Oh no, what happened to your sign?
Ace of base-2:
I ditched the sign and it opened up my eyes
I ditched the sign
Coding is demanding without understanding
I ditched the sign and it opened up my eyes
I ditched the sign
No one's gonna drag you up
To get into the Endianness where you belong
But where do you BeUINT64
Oh, it's dictionary compressed.
I received it from the aliens in the dessert, but I lost the dictionary, and could not resist to eat the dessert.
Just click on my name to get an hint...
C'mon, aren't you skilled Lucasfilm adventure game players? ;-)
It's fantastic that Thimbleweed Park will be at E3! :-)
Ron, maybe there's a 3,5 to USB-adapter for the headset you desire?
Ron, do you ask a friend or relative for help with hard math?
I played through Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love For Sail recently and that game has one charcater, Peggy, who's a foul mouthed pirate type. Her cursing is partly bleebed out, in the way of that you hear her saying some milder words, like shit etc, but the more fouler words have been bleebed so, that you can almost make out what she's saying. That works pretty well in my opinion, as it also makes the charcater seem fouler.!-endet-2016/56539693-4-ger-DE/TV-Show-mit-Goetz-Alsmann-Zimmer-frei!-endet-20161_image_630_420f.jpg
And for Ransome we could use Tim Curry as It.
But I just meant close-up images like they were used in MI1, which Ron will willingly add (with an option to turn them off of course).
I think I finally updated my voicemail recording enough today to feel satisfied with it, overall. :] Will sound like I've left town. Possibly to never return! :] Leaving you guessing why.
Also these Romance languages have enclitic pronouns (they form a word with the verb) :
- English: "I_can't_use_[it]_this_way" (neuter object, every thing);
- Italian: "Non_posso_usar[lo]_così" (male object) "Non_posso_usar[la]_così" (female object);
- Spanish: "No_puedo_usar[lo]_asì" (male), "No_puedo_usar[la] asì" (female).
In the classic adventures from LucasArts, in Italian they used male as a neuter gender. They always say: "Non_posso_usar[lo]_così".
Also in English there's only a definite article, which is the same for all genders and numbers. In Romance languages they are different:
El pueblo, la rosa, las plumas.... Then I think that with Scumm they were forced to write every noun with a single entry for the gender and number (there are also single things that are plural, like scissors), or maybe to write them with their article, because the article could be without vowel with many nouns... ([la] rosa - female- , [l']amaca -female too-).
So, for example, "Pick up seagull" was translated with "_Prendere_ *il* gabbiano" instead of "Prendi gabbiano".
Every object had its proper article.
Anyway, I don't think it's an issue for Ron, but for the translators.
Use [fuel] with [wooden house]./Use [pizza flyer] with [lamp] ----> I can't use [it] this way.
Usa [la benzina] con [la casa di legno]./Usa [il volantino] con [la lampada]. ----> Non posso usar[lo] così./ Non posso usar[la] così.
But, since every noun has a single entry and the possibility to be marked as male/female/neuter and to be together with its article, there will be no problem.
I think also that the issue is zero also when there's a single specific answer to a requested action:
Use fuel with wooden house ----> I'm not that desperate.
The other issue, as Sushi said, is with generic answers that involve gender of the grammar subject, evident in adjective or past participle (in many languages they have gender too).
If the above would be a generic answer, it should allow different genders, since there are different characters (males and females).
Action requested to agent Rey: Usa la benzina con la casa di legno ----> Non sono così disperat[a].
Action requested ro agent Reyes: "" ----> Non sono così disperat[o].
regarding those male/female bits. Do you have a 1 bit flag that can be set to either male or female? Beware that there is also a group of genderless words in some languages, so you need to have at least two bits to cover three options : "he, she or it"
Also beware that the gender of a word isn't necessarily the same in different languages that have nouns with a grammatical gender. So how does that work, is the translator able to change the gender bit(s) for every object, allowing to correctly translate a generic response like "I don't need it" when picking up an object? i.e. "I don't need her/him/it." - but then in another language-
To make matters worse, you also have languages where not only nouns are gender specific, but also the adjectives are (most roman languages). So if you have a generic response, you need to foresee a male/female response. E.g. "I think I am in love" would be translated differently in French when said by Ray or Reyes. The problem is that you don't know upfront if a particular sentence needs a complete gender specific translation or if it is just a matter of substituting the gender bit(s) for the "it" reference. Worst case you'd have to foresee two lines for each line of (generic) dialogue that can be used by two actors of opposite sex.
In Portuguese, even "thank you" is either "obrigado" or "obrigada" depending on the gender of the who is expressing his/her gratitiude (luckily it is not dependent on the receivers gender)
anyway, short recap: 3 genders needed for every object/actor, 2 gender-specific place holders needed for every common/reusable dialogue line (assuming inanimate objects won't talk)
In German, 'spoon' is male, 'fork' is female, and 'knife' is neutral. I agree that that knowledge needs to come from the translator.
That said, there is only so much we can do, given this is a very complex issue. We'll try and get as much as we realistically can given our time and budget constraints. Even big AAA tiles punt on this issue. We could spend months and months of developer time on this, but I don't think anyone wants the game delay or rooms cut to get the resources to fully deal with the idiosyncrasies of different languages. We'll do our best, but realistically, that going to be make it 80% right.
Why Largo's last name is "LaGrande" and not "*IL*Grande"? It's one of the Ron's tyops or there is a reason behind it?
Mystery solved!
LaGrande... fantastic! This is a story to tell sitting down on a log, around a firepit!
By the way, due to his first name "Largo" I've always assumed that it had to be pronounced italian and used to trill when I said his surname, but I just read that it's actually French. I've always gone without voice acting, but I can't dismiss that voice acting provides clearness in terms of the pronounciation.
We moved from there just before I started college.
TM !