No Podcast This Week
by Ron Gilbert
Jan 16, 2016
Jan 16, 2016
There will be no podcast this week. We were all very busy yesterday and never found a time we could all meet. I suppose I could have done it alone and rambled on incoherently for a while, but as much as you think you'd like to listen to that, trust me, you wouldn't.
Today I am in the process of rebuilding the websites, moving everything from the old and decrepit http:// to trendy and hip https://. If you encounter any issues, please let me know.
In the meantime, please enjoy a quick concept sketch from Octavi

Have a great weekend, Team TP.
Rated "A" by Qualys
There's little value in forcing HTTPS on a blog or other site that contains only public information.
SSL: yay, we're secured. This is the way internet should've always been. I guess you've done it for the phonebook admissions. Gravatars don't seem to work.
... or is it?
It's a trap!
[ackbar-mode off]
what do you do in your (few few few) spare time/week end? Do you want/manage to give a cut from your work, or what else?
What is your reaction when your job comes looking for you in your spare time?
P.S.: No problem with The Old Reader. Maybe it didn't sync the old stuff yet.
Extremely cool page and what a great layered scroll at the top. Good job, Team TP.
In a few month, I imagine a countdown in a corner, too... :-D
PS: I've just noticed the file names of the characters' png files. You actually call the staff from the Diner Sandy and Dave. That's interesting! :-)
It almost looks like you put your younger selves in the game!
David Fox: The sheriff.
Ron Gilbert: The cook.
Gery Winnick: The bum.
Just kidding on that lastpart.. the website looks amazing
I don't know if the issue could be related to the protocol switch on ssl, but I didn't receive the mail notification about your last post on the blog.
Just for complete info: I correctly received the previous notification without any problem, and the current notification is NOT in the Spam Folder ;)
Hope this could be of any help.
Thank you so much, as always :)
I didn't try yet on the new website, but glad to read that I was not the only one with that problem.
Non accetterò la tua impertinenza restando seduto!
Le tue emorroidi ti danno di nuovo fastidio, eh? ;)
Come on guys. It's tiring to use Google Translate to know your insults. Parlate in inglese per favore.
I wrote the sentences in italian because both people were italian, just to joke a bit with insults in my native language.
En garde! Touché! :-D
Did you send e-mail for 'Phone Book level' backers? I don't visit much the blog but I want to participate in phonebook.
"We're just testing the system now. In a few weeks an email will go out to all the Kickstarter backers who get their name in the phonebook with instructions." - Ron Gilbert ✓ - Dec 30 at 18:38
I've been following the blog since forever and there has always been someone who asks the right questions so I've never needed to comment... UNTIL NOW.
My question is in particular for the dev team and I hope it wasn't answered before (need to avoid a fantastical questioning failure):
How do you handle the inventory combination of objects scriptwise?
I'm asking specifically because if you combine object A with object B it should be the same as object B with object A, so who's responsible for knowing the combination? Do both objects have repeated code for handling it or there's another third element which knows the combination? Or is it done some other way which my mortal imagination cannot grasp and is only reserved for the gods?
Cheers and congrats! The game is looking awesome!
I haven't checked the blog site in a couple of weeks and now that I returned to it, I notice that I cannot see any images at all. The headline banner, the Gravatar icons, the posted screenshots -- they are all gone!
I saw this post about moving to trendy and cool HTTPS, so I wonder if that has something to do with it. This is happening in Desktop Safari v6.0.5 on a Mac OS X 10.8.5. Strangely, if I open the page in Firefox, it works well. I wonder if it is something to do specifically with Safari.
It's strange that you do this, now I am forced to get tracked by Google just to see the progress of the game. :(
Please, reconsider this "feature".
I guess I can use Firefox. Ugh.
Nonetheless, thanks for taking the time to respond.