Ports Ports Ports
Sep 14, 2017
Been awhile since I posted here, and I should start doing that more with news and updates. I post a lot of Twitter, but forget that not everyone is on Twitter. I'm starting to think you're the smart ones.
We released the arcades last month. There is a new puzzle chain to find tokens for the machines. The puzzle chains can only be done in hard mode, but once you find the tokens, they will be there for every new game, including those started in easy mode.

Occuplying much of our time now are ports, ports and more ports.

The iOS build has been approved by Apple, and now we're waiting for some PR stuff.
The Switch port has also been approved by Nintendo, but we still have to do some "paperwork" before it will be on the e-store.
Exciting times.

We're doing last minute testing on the Android port. It's much harder than iOS due to the huge variety of hardware. We've come across a couple of GPUs that don't have the power, or are just buggy and needed to rewrite some of our shaders.
We're also trying to get full controller, mouse and keyboard support into the Android, which is also proving to be more work than anticipated.
Yeah, I know. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Bring us solutions Mr. Gilbert, not problems.
- Ron
P.S. The PS4 port has been live for several weeks now.

I am still 5000 comments behind on this blog, when would I have time to read Twitter?
I missed the secret question, which is not mandatory in the otherwise excellent TWP forum.
Seeing how many people use Android these days, it is therefore highly appreciated that you guys are putting so much effort into the Android version!
I'd love to say "Well, at least the next graphic adventure you write will be a bliss, will all only be writing a new story and scripting it, no more work on the engine or the ports", but we both know that would be a lie... But it WILL be less work, so all the time you invest now is well-spent :D
Have you heard anything from Disney about the Monkey Island rights ? :D
ps I bought a second copy for my mum for her birthday.
I hope the sales are going well guys?
A few weird things I noticed when starting a new playthrough (my 3rd) with the latest (and greatest) Mac version on Steam:
1) Default verbs don't seem to work on other playable characters. Talk to is highlighted, but nothing happens when you right-click?
2) Default verbs act strangely when you keep the cursor on an item that has a default action while the screen is scrolling. The verb gets dehighlighted when the screen moves, then either stays unlit, flashes on and off, or turns back on like it should.
3) The down-arrow in the inventory is still clickable one more time after it turns invisible when you reach the end of the item list. This has never really made any sense to me, is it a bug or a feature?
2) No idea.
3) I left it in to catch any odd error where there was an item, but it won't scroll. Been like that since day-1.
Just tried the hintline out of curiosity, that must have been an enormous amount of work to script...
- Haha!
I only wonder if you have fixed my books in the library like I begged you to...!
For me it's the Android version I am waiting for. So thanks for the ports... And BIG thanks for still updating the game!
Will the game run on iOS 8.4?
Many thanks
Can't wait for it. It's okay to wait a little longer for more features. Thanks!
What about Linux armv7h (Raspberry Pi with Debian/Raspbian or Arch Linux ARM)?
I guess you already ported to arm for the Android version, so this should be basically done already?
Unlike Android systems the Pi port could use the same i/o code as on 64bit Linux.
One small comment:
The iOS version should automatically display subtitles when the iPhone is switched to silent mode which the game honors by being silent. Thereby making playing a bit pointless when you can't read and hear what all the characters are saying.
(Not sure if this is still working though)
(I know that this is an edge case and that this feature therefore probably was / is not worth the effort. I just would like to know before buying the iOS version. Which I will probably do in any case. Awesome game - thanks for making it!)
It looks fairly simple (famous last words), and the file size for save games is only limited by a user's available iCloud Drive space: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/gamekit/gksavedgame and https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/GameKit_Guide/SavedGames/SavedGames.html — looks like you just blob the save game data into a key-value pair with the GameKit API.
You are supposed to manually do a "load/save from/to iCloud".
This won't be perfect, but at least would enable to transfer your saves to other iOS devices without having to deal with lots of edge cases.
Else you might want to just save/load using the device-id that the developer can use, with options to "load from other device".
Maybe the easiest reference that I can give you is this post and the following ones in the same thread: