Friday Questions
by Ron Gilbert
Nov 04, 2015
Nov 04, 2015
This Friday is the first Podcast of the month, so you know what this means? That's right! Friday Questions!

If you have any questions you'd like David, Gary, I, or the team to answer, post them in the comments.
Don't post a slew of questions in one post, we tend to ignore those. Keep your questions focused and they will have a better chance of being picked.
- Ron
1 question: Preordered the Special Collectors edition by paypal last friday.
Will i receive the signed copy, or was it just kickstarter limited? My own fault i heard too late about this game. Thanks!
-What would have happened if the budget was much higher?
-And hypothetically: What would it be like if the game had much simpler graphics and no voice over and no special case animations, just like Maniac Mansion or Zak McKracken: How much could the scope (amount of puzzles, rooms, etc.) be expanded?
In this way, one cannot write a walkthrough with simply the codes or drawings in it, jumping some puzzles in order to discover them. The player is required to accomplish every step.
This is very important in adventure games, and if this phylosophy is kept also in Thimbleweed Park, the game is Google-proof.
Anyway, people who surrender easily, should play other type of games...
How the game will be played with a gamepad on the Xbox?
P.S. I need another manic mansion sequel before I die
(or at least, think about Day of The Tentacle!)
i.e.: How will I click my teeny tiny book on a touchscreen?
How's the Xbox version coming along? Will it be digital only or any chance of seeing a boxed version just like Mighty No. 9, Shovel Knight etc.?
This way we could possibly play on Android TV, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, OUYA, etc...
Does this mean you are doing Agile development? if that's the case, are there things you do like about Agile and what don't you like about it?
If none of the above is relevant then move along, this is not the question you are looking for =)
(eg. best adventure game ever or hopefully somewhere in the top 20 or top 10, etc.)
He's developing primarily on a Mac with XCode.
I started my adveture gamer career on a C64, playing Maniac Mansion followed by Zak McKracken and I loved them, I still own a C64 and will never sell to anyone... but nowadays I would not play a new game on a C64. (It's just my think, of course!)
It's the best game in the world!
A) made the game 20pct larger
B) made the game 20pct quicker (i.e. release sooner)
C) made the game 20pct better (for some metric of quality)
Who tells who what to do?
(low resolution, 16 colors, limited lightning and animations...)
Today it is different: you seem you DON'T need some of the capabilities of new technology (we never need extreme resolutions in this game, on the contrary low-res is a specific stylistic choice).
So, is the "PERFECT adventure game" possible nowadays? Or is there something you would like to do, but you can't do that beacuse of technological limits? What is your "impossible dream" in adventure gaming?
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for answering and no probs if you skip over them. :) (Love the question time, btw) *thumbs up*
I know that you are using a Mac to Code it, but what Platform do you prefer to Play it?
iPhone, iPad, pc (Mac, Windows, Linux) Xbox, ...
Will there be a map to travel between locations in the game?
"At the long abandoned circus grounds, Ransome the Clown had been cursed and can never remove his make-up. [...]
Meanwhile, on the 13th floor of the Edmund hotel, Franklin wakes up with no idea how he got there. But that’s not the weird part. The weird part is that he’s dead. [...]"
I think that answers your question.
I had actually read that months ago, but anyway I forgot it.
PS: All of us are Bogdan. ;-)
What VCS are you using?
Will we have a 120% puzzles solved with hidden games or puzzles?
While playing Zak McKracken™ or Maniac Mansion™, I really appreciated that every character had his own personality and abilities, each of them was able to do something that other don't. Will be the same in Thimbleweed Park? (I hope so! :-) )
Thank you!
I'm curious to know because the game seems to be trying to maintain that old nostalgic look, and can that be achieved if the game is in high resolution?
Pretty please?
So my questions are, will the story be more like "The Cave" regarding the characters, their backgrounds and their dark sides, and is there a personal connection to one of the characters? Will there be a McGuffin like the secret of Monkey Island?
I'm from Sweden.
My memory went back to when I was a kid, I didn't know english yet (I'm from Italy) and I was banging my head against the "monkey wrench puzzle" in MI2. Because of the translation ("Scimmia", just "Monkey"), the puzzle was basically impossible to solve.
Have you considered this issue while making puzzles for Thimbleweed Park?
Ah, come ti capisco... però quando poi ho scoperto che Monkey Wrench = Chiave Inglese, nella versione italiana, ho capito tutto... e ho imparato un nuovo modo di dire inglese!
[Italian mode OFF]
What is the plan on what the music will sound like? Dou you plan to use some kind of software retro synthesis which is run on the device we play the game on, so that the music sounds like Adlib or Roland (MT32)? Or will you use "presynthesized" music using one of these close to real sounding instrument databases. Or will you even use real instrument recordings? Do you plan on using something similar to the iMUSE system to generate a dynamic soundtrack?
In my oppinion a big part of the wonderfulness that made the old Lucas Arts games was the great music. I spent a large amount of my savings as a teenager on a Roland SCDB-15 soundcard to get the best possible music experience, so I admit I am a bit geeky when it comes to game music.
Thank you for answering my questions!
Who is responsible for them?
Will there be clones of some arcade classics, such as Pac-Man, Pong, Space Invaders, Tetris or Donkey Kong for instance? Maybe a pinball, too?
Brrr.... sounds creepy...
{ Explanation:
There are few use cases where Open/Close couldn't be used interchangeably (meaning, you rarely would/could open the same object twice in a row).
Also, GIVE could be replaced altogether by USE, since USING an object with a character could be like giving it to him/her. Do you try and come up with scenarios where you actually would want to USE an object on a character, like: USE TASER GUN ON UNRULY PATRON, where yield different results than GIVE TASER GUN TO UNRULY PATRON).
...USE BLACK "BLACK MAGIC" MARKER ON GROCERY CLERK. Player: "The magic only works if I draw on him when he's asleep."
...GIVE BLACK "BLACK MAGIC" MARKER ON GROCERY CLERK. Clerk: "No thanks, I already have something to write with."
...USE BLACK "BLACK MAGIC" MARKER ON SLEEPING CLERK. Player"[scribble scribble scribble] ... Hmm...That kind of looks like a...whistle."
In addition, PUSH/PULL is kind of a weird one, too.
Do you try to come up with scenarios when designing puzzles where these cases will be used- and used more than just once?
Do you make it a point to make use of verbs in original ways when designing puzzles?
Or, do you not give it too much thought and just like including PUSH/PULL, OPEN/CLOSE, USE/GIVE, to give the illusion of a more interactive world- where even though nothing might HAPPEN, you can still write funny dialogue responses.