Friday Questions
by Ron Gilbert
Dec 02, 2015
Dec 02, 2015
Hey boys and girls, it's time for our favorite part of the show!
Friday Questions!

If you have any questions you'd like David, Gary or I to answer on Friday's podcast, post them in the comments!
Please keep the questions focused and only one question per comment!
- Ron
Thanks, Tony
This way we could possibly play on Android TV, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, OUYA, etc...
I would like to know your opinion on why do you think Broken Age kickstarter campaign raised 3.3M, while Thimbleweed less than 700K, both having the same goal. Did you expect your campaign to have this outcome?
Do you think it is related to a different marketing strategy of the kickstarter campaign? I know DoTT had a very big fan base, but Monkey Island is way more popular, and I can't get an explanation on this.
Thank you for your time, best!
Grog! Grog! Grog!
Mark! Mark! Mark!
How much do you found easier developing an old-fashioned point-and-click adventure using nowadays tools and concept? Wasn't easier back in the days when you could (needed to) cut some corner and got for a quick-and-dirty solution, rather than adopting proper "modern" programming and development patterns/approaches?
From time to time I suspect that modern programmers then to complicate things in abstracting too much the software model/engine.
What are your expectations for after the game release in terms of copies or licences sold if any? In other words, what will make you consider the game a success?
Oh wait. I don't want any of the above! How I look forward to a game without all this shit.
Thanks for bringing this form of gaming back. Any chance this can be an ongoing series?
Below is a copy of a post I did regarding the same issue in the "I am just going to write" thread.
Regarding overly long dialogues.
If the dialogues seem overly long to native English speaking people they most certainly are to non-English speaking people.
I live in Denmark. I prefer puzzles that are mainly item/inventory based. Of course we need dialogue to move the story forward. But if the story is complex with lots of dialogue with many of the puzzles "hidden" in the story they "vanish" due to the language barrier.
Danish is a small language so we never get to see movies in the cinema with dubbed sound. It's all original audio and Danish subtitles. That makes us rather good at speaking English.
Many people would say "I can easily watch an american film and not read the subtitles". But it often turns out that if you actually do watch a movie without subtitles you loose a lot of info if the plot is just a little complicated.
Yes, there are subtitles in Thimbleweed Park but they are English too. That's fine. I really like them and they make sure I understand the voiceover completely. But still. It's a foreign language.
Please make sure not to do overly long dialogues.
Can't wait to play the game. It's going to be THE game of the year!
Do we see the characters dancing around the xmas tree...or a tentacle as Santa....Does Ed get a new wait..that's a different story...
Enjoy the holidays...
I loved Melee Island's dark forest:
and if yes, what did the respective sprints consist of? For example, was
MI1 created by finalizing one island completely before starting work on
the next one?
Would you be able to talk a bit about the architecture of the engine? What components you have and how they interface together?
You mentioned earlier on you suck at math. Did this hinder you in any way during your career and/or game development? Do you think all game developers should invest their time into developing their math skills?
Any thoughts about the new Apple TV platform in regards to adventure games? It seems to me the remote would fit the genre quite well
Is there going to be an option to disable the graphical inventory, and instead have the classic text inventory mode? Not that I dislike these AWESOME icons ;D.
I liked the idea, because it reminds me to Zak McKracken: you could use the blue crystal on animals, and your mind was "linked" to that animal. That was one of the most funny parts I ever liked of the game!
How do you determine how many (and which) smaller versions of a character you need?
(Or in other words: "Is there an ideal sprite_height(distance) function in the world of pixel art?")
How do you handle version control? Do you have automated tests? Are you using continuous Integration or something like this?
We probably will not play Thimbleweed Park this X-mas, but maybe you can convince Ron to show us some more jaw-dropping screenshots or prepare some awesome wallpapers to cheer our desktops and minds up during that short and dark winter days...
For our C64 game I will do the latter and was wondering if you face such situations?
why Max was replaced by Tantacle in ME2SE?
Sam'n Max were replaced in the M1:SE too (idols in front of the Monkey Head (tm) )
Do you -nowadays- experience limitations of any kind, that actually inspire you or stimulate your creativity?
So puhleeeeeeze? :-)
I finally succeeded, but it just leads to a small attic with a big old empty chest. When you close that chest there is a warning sign reading "DO NOT OPEN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE OR THE SECRET INSIDE WILL BE LOST FOREVER! Return to G.P. LeChuck if found."
I had discovered some easter eggs, for example:
- if you used the blue crystal on yak and "Chew" 20 times, a new verb appear ("Poop")
- if you got the Exit VISA Code wrong too many times, you ended your game in jail
- if you pulled one of the rug corners in my room, there was a hidden trapdoor to go down into the rear room of the TPC
Do you remember other easter eggs I could have missed during these years?
Thank you
Would you go to make a MonkeyIsland-adventure game containing just the spirit of Monkey Island without the brandname "Monkey Island"? You could name it "Rat of the Pirate", "Captain Banana " or "#uck the Chuck" for example...
Can you be commissioned to do an album cover and how much do you charge?
Ps: You're not not a tuna head.
Note that when I state to 'the time travel feature', I refer to the ability to elements such as the ability to change the environment in the past, resulting in an altered environment in the future, and transferring items between time periods for some interesting solutions.
Are the icons final yet?
meep meep and away
Do these count as two questions?