Radio Station
Aug 17, 2015

Here are a couple of new pieces of art from the Gamescom Microsoft trailer. These are 1-to-1 pixel images, just as they appear in the game. Neither of these are completely done, they both need to go though a polish stage.
I also wanted to thank Craig Derrick for putting together the deal with Microsoft and generally helping out at Gamescom. Craig worked at LucasArts and was responsible for the Monkey Island Special Editions. He was the executive producer and the driving force behind the re-releases getting made. Many thanks for that and for the help with Thimbleweed.
Also enjoy the glory of vertical scrolling rooms.

And as an added bonus...

The fine folks at Style64 (Elwix/Style) offered to extend their TrueType C64 font, adding the international characters we'd need for French, German, Italian and Spanish, plus the ™ and a few other symbols. Many thanks to them.
It's kind of a short post today, using art and visual images to distract you from the dearth of actual content and information. It's been two weeks since I got back from Germany and I don't feel like I'm completely back in the swing of things.
- Ron
Great that you are keeping the C64 font.
I can't wait to see how it all comes together.
Vertical scrolling ftw!
Just one idea: it would actually be cool if the tower were to stand on top of the radio station building. Simply because it would be an awfully large structure on top of such a small building...
Plus you could add a puzzle on the inside that one needs to solve in order to get to the roof to access the tower.
Looking at the weeds in the foreground, made me wonder if you were thinking about adding Thimbleweed into any of the backgrounds.
"That was faked through color cycling and sliding actors for the screen."
fades pan-down
current-room cliffbot
sleep-for 2 seconds
actor fishhook never-zclip
put-actor fishhook at 156,0 in-room cliffbot
start-sound clicking
walk fishhook to litter within 0
wait-for-actor fishhook
; get paper on hook
actor fishhook \
init-animation line-and-paper \
walk-animation line-and-paper \
stand-animation line-and-paper
do-animation fishhook line-and-paper
put-actor litter in-the-void
foo = -20
walk fishhook to 156,foo
wait-for-actor fishhook
fades pan-up
current-room clifftop
Fortunately you didn't put the map itself into the void, but only a litter! Otherwise I would've never played MI2 through to the finish. :-)
I really like the misty morning atmosphere there. Looks really good, even if it is unpolished.
Is the Gamescom trailer anywhere to be seen?
I like the vertical scrolling!
Ron, Elwix sent me the C64 font to try it and here's my reply:
I wrote a sample text in Swedish and I printed it on paper with
my printer Samsung CLP-325W (blatant product placement,
sorry!) using font-size 12 and I simply think it looks good and
readable unlike my handwriting. I don't know much more
to say except that I can see myself playing a game using this
font. I like to use some wordplay and call it "fontastic"! :-)
How Mark Ferrari does that large pixelated gradient color for the sky in the vertical image?
(also since when did the Commie64 have a proportional font?)
But don't criticize the font too loudly! It looks remarkably similar to the font of the subtitles in Monkey Island (DOS version), albeit it looks a bit complanate in the Quickie Pal video.
This new font is proportional and that's the way Ron prefer.
Btw, nice art 8)
Same feeling I had watching the first Star Wars movie on Betamax :-)
Now THAT's a fly-by :D
Exhibit A:
Once the bobbleheads have got more plastic shading, they will go great with the settings in TP.
Have you ever thought to experiment with a Normal map palette
(e.g. a discrete set of normals:
to be used for normal maps drawing (pixel by pixel) for the characters' sprites (not too much detailed anyway)?
Maybe characters would result a bit less flat, and give Mark/Gary an additional tool to build mood.
I love the current art direction, anyway.
Kinda like what the video game industry has been doing for the past 15 years. ;)
I think it was a podcast where Ron said he played the MI SE version, but preferred to play in retro mode. So I'm pretty sure there won't be a hires-TP.
And. I've played both SE versions, and I always felt they were missing something. Maybe it's just the memory of those great moments with these games when I was young, but the SE versions, while they look gorgeous, just don't feel that good. And neither did Monkey 3, but then again, there was different team working on it.
By the way, I think that 3D is not very appropriate, if you want to create highly detailed settings. That's why I would always prefer 2D graphics in an adventure game.
Furthermore in my opinion the font would look a bit better if the characters h, l, t, b, d, f, k, i were as high as the majuscules (7 px instead of 6 px).
Nevertheless I reserved the right to compare it with the MI font, which I'm very familiar with, and I found out that they also have a great deal in common, except of the inconsistency of the heights.
But keep on rocking, im sure you'll gonna do great!
How do you work them? when do you know that you have enough?
What kind of problem may arise form them. Anyway, thanks,
Amazing job!
how much you do one first or the other, etc.
Will the occult book store be taller than the antenna? If so: There could be a puzzle to install the antenna from the radio tower on the top of the "World's Largest Occult Book Store" (TM) to improve the sginal strength...
I´m so excited about this game - I really love the current 80´s/90´s revival trend which already provided a bunch of fantastic games and this one will add to that list I´m sure! (Best thing about it is: I don´t need to update my relict-PC;))
I´m really perplexed by how detailed people seem to remember things such as (faked...) vertical scrolling on old games such as MI 2 ?!
The only thing about that game which I do (and always will - in fact it will likely be part of the short-film flashing before my eyes in the moment I pass away...;) ) is the part where you needed to get the last ingredient of Le Chuck for the Voodoo stuff.
Which was his underwear. To get it, you had to toss that coin in front of him so he would bend over...
I can tell you - whoever it was who came up with THAT RIDDLE - If I had been able to perform voodoo at that time - this person would suffer till TODAY from permanent beating :D:D
It took me two weeks or so to solve this (luckily by a sudden insight called Epiphany I guess...)
(hey- there was no Internet at that time... the only way to get a hint was writing to the monthly game magazine and wait another month for the (potential) reply...
Oh the good old times.
Cheers and have a nice week everybody ;)