Release Date!
by Ron Gilbert
Feb 27, 2017
Feb 27, 2017
We had a big meeting this morning and decided that we should announce the release date.

So set your calendar reminders, make sure you've got your "I'm starting to feel sick" routines prepped for the day before release...
You'll be able to play Thimbleweed Park on Thursday, March 30th!!!!!
The game will be released on Mac, Windows, Linux and Xbox One. Other platforms will follow in a few months.
That is all. Grab a goodie bag on your way out.
- Ron
i love these game in forecast, it brings me back in childood like Day of the tentacle in the past .....DAY OF THE TENTACLE what a game!
its hard for me dont press the steambuy key ....i would prefer an android version ...nothing best like gaming in bed in a dark room :) ..therefore my lappy is to heavy .
When is the release date of the android version ....i hope soon .
best regards s.H. a scumm fan from germany
Wait.... 2017 right?
Thanks for the buffer between the Switch/new Zelda -- one won't disturb the other!
Home stretch!
Congrats to all the team!
*jumps frenetically.
*my dog stares at me questioning his luck
Soon we can say it's out THIS MONTH.
Really wasn't expecting it to be so soon. Excellent stuff!
I had a feeling you are going to announce it today, was hitting refresh the whole day! You owe me a F5 key! :P
Have a great day!
Nightly regards from Germany
Chris aka foot_portrait
It is so awesome!
Will the game be released with all known translations on March 30th?
Congrat Ron and all the team!!!!
Great News!!!!!
I'm sick with excitement. Ron's probably sick with nerves.
Having seen so many Kickstarters fail, I knew you would deliver it, and I already know the quality of your work, that is the reason for my gratitude.
Boss, the 30th of march is my day out!!!!
BTW, what is in thw goodie bag?
Also: Please keep making posts and a podcast once in a while. You've grown on us like family!
Ron, is that you in the picture? 2nd from the left? ;)
So I immediately logged in to PledgeManager to see what's there, as I understood you needed further details from me. But as I didn't order any physical stuff, just the game and the Swear Jar, I guess I'm OK. When do you need to know what format/delivery platform I want to play my game on? If I had to say now, I'd say GOG would be my platform of choice.
Anyway, I'm so stoked about this. Thank you thank you thank you.
And now... press! press!! PRESS!!
Spread the word!!!
Just one question. Will you support older versions of Mac OS X like the ones still named for cats? Specifically, Mountain Lion?
I am allergic to Californian landmarks in operating system names...
(One of those "selfie" agnostics from Berlin - also never reading Twitter ;-))
I thik, I'll take a day off tomorrow to visit "my" games.
Oh, and thanks for the delay (DIIIIEEEEE) :-)
Mathias: you can relax... but not too much!
Please, look after yourself man.
Do you know if it is going to be available on GOG on 30th?
Congratulations all involved.
After two years waiting, I can't even play the game on every plattform available?
Only after eight months, in August 2015, Microsoft decided to bet on Thimbleweed Park.
Here is the post:
For that reason, only the versions for Windows, Linux, Mac will be free for the backers who pledged for a copy of the game.
I personally will play at my PC but my kids love playing on tablets - so I am already excited getting TWP on Android someday.
And iOS? iOS user have to much money anyway, aren't they? :-P
This is going to be a incredible couple of months gaming wise.
Now start negotiations with Disney again for that MI license puhleeeaaase!!! 😍
Personally, I dont mind the date very much. The great thing about great 2D pixel art and jokes that are not written in latin: they will never age!
And well done team!
It's a pity indeed, but, on the other hand, we support the developers this way, and every sold copy increases the likelihood for another adventure game by them.
At what time exactly?
I'm going to take a week off. Seriously.
When time comes, purchase the game and go home.
② march 30 is what time zone? As I'm in Japan dates like these almost always don't actually happen for me until like early morning the next day :-/
You know that there is Japanese version of Zak? Come to think of it, I have to try that one out...
Btw. have you seen the alternative sprites in the FM-Towns version?
"Mammalian herbivores usually avoid consumption of this [thimbleweed] because the foliage is toxic, causing a burning sensation in the mouth and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract."
I just noticed that the store page for Zak McKracken contains screenshots from the FM Towns version. Do GOG really offer the FM Towns version of this game for modern OS? Maybe I shall buy this game a second time!
Sadly this is not true with most other LucasArts games there (Loom! WTF!).
However, I think some of Zak's puzzles, especially on Mars are designed to be too quicktime tight. I sometimes do fail to get all three on the train in time but that is not the worst. The last crystal is just too hard to get in time before it closes again and you have to push the button again. Yes, my hands are not that fast.
And I have asphyxiated trying.
Great game, though.
- at which hour, minute, second and TimeZone will the game be released?
Good luck and good work on this final stretch!
Nah, just kidding! I'm really excited about finally playing it- I hope it's a big success!
Good luck to the TWP team and I hope we'll see more games from you.
Thanks to the whole team for a great work!!
Thanks from Munich.
Will it be possible to place a regular order for the collectors box too? Times were better when games came in boxes :-)
Thanks from Vienna!
And since I know I won't have the time to play it right, I'm going to disappear from the Internet to avoid spoilers. Heck, I'm not even going to see my best friends to avoid comparing our progresses.
Or, I could play during the nights, when wife and kids are sleeping. Sleep is overrated, I can then sleep at work.
And if I get fired, I'll have more time to play TWP. Perfect.
Bring it on!
I know having a central marketplace is also a big value. But these platforms generate a second 'income' with selling aggregates information as well. Even more: at least at steam you don't own most of the games afterwards.
No wonder that every big IT-company tries to use that 'business' model meanwhile... for them it's a real goldmine!
So @Ron: Do you plan to offer the game also on your own?
I'd like to buy it for a friend before he buys it by himself on release day.
At least for release day I wouldn't assume availability in any other stores.
However, that seems to be an explicit decision.
Otherwise, one might think taking a look to previous games would've been a good idea. :)
Maniac Mansion & MI 1+2 all use "Gib" and "Nimm" in the German action menu.
Will play the English version anyhow.
@TP team: Please fix this before release! Grammatical errors in such prominent location really give a bad impression. You wouldn't want "Tooke" and "Givve" in the English version, would you?
By the way, in the German version of the first Monkey Island game with the original text-based interface, there were the verbs "Mach an" and "Mach aus", which are not exactly grammatical either and also may be mistakable. Though, they were omitted later on, when the verbs interfaces contained only nine verbs.
But, in my opinion, there is nonetheless another benefit of changing the verbs: If you are used to the classic games, you are used to the particular verbs that have been common in such games.
Well, while it might be pretty easy to change "Nehme" to "Nimm" and "Gebe" to "Gib", it might be much more complicated to change "Schließ" to "Schließe" or "Nutze" to "Benutze", because it would have too many characters.
It's a common error in German, similar to confusing "there", "their" and "they're" in English. Definitely not something you want every German player to keep staring at.
It should be "Stehle".
or "Leih kurz aus"... (Borrow for one moment - implying never giving the item back because we broke it or it fell of bord a pirate ship)
"Borrow" would be a nice alternative, but instead of "leihen" it should be BORG!
All will make sense March 30th. Or 31st, depending on how fast you are solving puzzles.
(And in German it is not "Sinn machen" but "Sinn geben" - I can be a grammar nitpicker too... :-)
The signals are strong!
I only wish Dom from Lucasdelirium had waited a few more days before posting his update about TP.
He complimented you, btw :)
[...] "Zak Phoenix McKracken, one of the most active fans in the comments on the official blog, throughout the whole processing of Thimbleweed Park, has maintained a relative mental sanity."
Thanks for your words, Dom! :-D :-D :-D
The text needs another update :-)
I'm already feeling sick... :]
Great times!
Again, if the Ransome lines weren't beeped... I wonder what PEGI rating would have been. Maybe 18, like the one assigned to GTA or COD?
Now I have to hurry and get my Indiana Jones Pinball Adventure ready to play.
I can hardly wait to play Thimbleweed Park.
Thanks for your vision, imagination and being patient in creating a great game we all remember in our lifes best time.
This is my personal GOTY.
It seems like yesterday that I loaded Maniac Mansion floppy in my beloved C64 and spent the whole night with the Edison...
Thanks Mr Gilbert. Thanks a lot.
And I need it for the comments. I'm not sure I can wean myself off this fan interaction. Never dreamed I'd get this invested! You had me at Thim.
But I also hope he then keeps using his blog (also: please fix missing HTTPS and missing comment timestamps).
BTW, are there any of those beautiful trading cards left? ;)
Release is on 30th of March, also in Germany? i prefer the german speech version, so will it have multilanguage?
please make more of this cool games
Text will be in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and later Russian too.
Today there was an article about TP in heise newsletter ( Someone has complained about the wrong form of imperative words in GUI ( - and he is right!
In German the imperative of "nehmen" (take) is "nimm", not "nehme". And "nimm" was the verb in Monkey Island ( and Zak.
Please speak with your translator (BSJ?) to correct the forms. Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately that last project has expired. :-(
Maybe we should reactivate this idea - in special for MI as well as in general - and ask for a TP version!?
What do you think?
I liked this one:
So let's generalize the request: we want all main figures and objects of all all Lucas Art adventures as LEGO collections! :-)
Honestly I would buy this if the price is not totally exaggerated.
"Nehme" should be "Nimm"
"Gebe" should be "Gib"
"Nutze" should be "Benutze"
(...I guess you don't know how many verb forms there are in italian... I can understand you!)
The problem is "Rede" + person's name or "Benutze" + object + object don't work in German either.
The MI screenshots just told me, there was the same issue with Gebe (which should be Gib) in MI I, but all the other verbs were correct. "Schau an" at least told you what the command was about (Schau ou wrongly Schaue being just "look", not "look at"), but it wouldn't help to make a correct German sentence (as "an" would have to be moved to the end of the phrase). It's just a tricky language!
Ron's hair is turning grey all over reading this discussion, I suppose...
But I am so happy the game will soon be here and as I came to play the demo in Berlin, I am convinced it will be absolutely great.
I also hope it will be financially worth the while for the team.
Yeah, and I will miss the blog...
Aloha, Boris hier. Ich sehe gerade, daß sich einige Leute über die Übersetzung der Verben in der UI beschweren. Schlauerweise hat das Team nur Screenshots veröffentlicht, in denen man keinen zusammengesetzten Satz sieht. Das System in Thimbleweed Park ist deutlich schlauer als in den Scumm-Adventures. Jedes Verb gibt es dreimal - als Grafik in der UI (normal&retro) und als Satzbaustein. Aus Gründen, die ich hier nicht spoilern kann, ist in der UI immer die auf "-e" endende Version zu sehen. Gebe, Rede, Nehme, Öffne. Ausnahme ist 'Schließe' weil Ron der Platz ausgegangen ist.
Wenn ich die Verben benutze, ist in der Kommandozeile aber was anderes zu sehen. Aus 'Gebe' wird beispielsweise 'Gib'. Also 'Gib Schlüssel an Reyes'.
Das System kann jetzt übrigens auch, im Gegensatz zu den alten Spielen, mit den deutschen Geschlechtern umgehen. 'Öffne Tür mit dem Schlüssel' und 'Öffne Tür mit der Schlüsselkarte' - man beachte den subtilen Unterschied mit dem und der.
Klage nicht, verzage nicht! Alles wird sich beim Spielen aufklären...
Dennoch eine Frage: wäre es nicht möglich, die Befehlsform als Grundwort zu lassen und im Satz dennoch korrekt anzupassen?
Danke schonmal.
danke für die Information! Die Unterscheidung nach Geschlecht ist wirklich innovativ!
Jetzt bin ich gespannt darauf, was es mit dem "Spoiler" auf sich hat. Ein Grund mehr, die deutsch-sprachige Version zuerst zu spielen! :-D
Das ist noch vieeeel schlimmer als blosses "beschweren".
I don't know german, but I have understood (more or less) thanks to the automatic translator.
"The system can now also deal with the gender", if it works for German, it will sure do also for italian (we have male and female nouns and adjectives, and the articles change according to the noun gender).
I trust the TWP team!
Alles wird gut.
There are several good reasons to use "Gebe" "Nehme" and so forth in the UI. At least one of them is a spoiler, so - wait for the full game.
Rest assured that the SENTENCES that are constructed and can't be seen in the screenshots so far use proper grammar:
"Nimm Schlüssel"
"Benutze Schlüssel mit dem Vorhängeschloß"
See the UI verbs as the icons to the right - they are UI and they make a lot of sense this way.
Greetings from Germany, Boris
Looking forward to see "Nahme" and "Gebe" making sense.
But, the infinitives in the verbs UI need nonetheless an acclimatization, in my opinion.
I was having trouble following since I read comments from newest to oldest.
That makes sense to have a short and simple ui and grammatically correct description on screen.
Anyway, now I have a reason to play the game in German too (after playing it in English and Italian).
I have seen one picture with the verb interface in italian, once here in the blog, then I have read a tweet from Ron stating that he was doing screenshots for every language, but on Steam I see only the english versions.
That translation of "keep out" as "scio'!!!" ahahah that's fine, that's the spirit! One of the first thing I'll do after I downloaded my supporter copy from is to enjoy all the opening credits (I just suppose there will be opening credits as seen in MI 1 & 2).
The Steam page was already in italian, but the images were in english.
Now I have changed to German then to Italian again, and now it's fine.
Computer magics...
Just tell us what your thoughts are and we try to hint you the correct direction.
And it's a Thursday too! Which means I will most likely not play it before the 31st so I can really sink myself into it for the weekend :D
Can't wait, this game looks and sounds better with every update.
I see a big potential for DLC-updates for the german version of TWP!
nit-pick-mode = true;
I noticed a little typo on the German Steam page: "Ein modernes Mystery-Adventure**s** von..." Correct diction: "Mystery-Adventure von...".
nit-pick-mode = false;
To find which time will be in your timezone, a site like would be useful.