Steam Page Is Live
by Ron Gilbert
Feb 18, 2017
Feb 18, 2017
The Thimbleweed Park Steam page is live. No release date yet, but we're very very very very very very very very (breath) very very very very close to announcing that.

"What's the hold up with announcing the release date? I thought making games was easy?"
Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong, making games is super easy, it's releasing them that is hard!
The main reason we haven't announced a release date is that we don't want to be wrong. We're working through some last minute technical and marketing issues, but we have 95% confidence that those are resolved.
Trust is, we want to release this game more then you want to play it.
- Ron
P.S. It will also be available on GoG and probably some other online stores.
(I must have it)
Plus, I REALLY need that Sexy Riker Card.
Please sell the card game.
Do you have the license to include cameos from some of your past creations (I'm thinking people like Stan, the Voodoo Lady, etc.)?
Sexual Innuendo!
Two of my favorite 80s bands!
And I can't help myself but wonder what you guys will be up to after this :D
That's technically not until late March... Almost there!
Come on, folks! Let's make a game?
Guess the date!
I say it will be.... Friday 10th od March!
And you?
In Ron we trust
Oh my god. oh my god... oh my god.. My LSD needs to wear down now.
Herr Stirz.
This obviously is not for technical reason, but due to Microsoft's marketing scheme.
But... but... but... you mean there are no long loading times? And no disc changes? Nooooo! I've bought three additional disc drives for Thimbleweed Park...!
you need BIG RAM.
I would have written 4 GB on the Steam page, because many people (incl. myself) have a console and don't necessarily need a PC/Mac with more than 4 GB of RAM. I've procrastinated upgrading my PC for this reason. Nonetheless, I prefer my PC for playing classic point & click adventure games. In my opinion, consoles ought to support mice, too!
@Ron: You can estimate the RAM with "top" while TWP is running (or a professional profiling tool :)).If you just want to say "I don't know" on the Steam page, just use a ridiculous high value, like "1134 TB". :) As you can see on the comments here, with 8 GB you confuse the potential buyers. :)
Dear Mr. Gilbert,
my name is Timo, i am 12 years old and i am from Germany.
I am so happy to play your game soon.
My family has a PC with Windows Vista and 4 GB RAM and a 2,0 GHZ CPU.
Will this quality of our PC be good enough to play Thimbleweed Park?
I will be so happy to get a short answer from you please.
Thank you very much,
Timo Roth from Germany
welcome to the Thimbleweed Blog. We too are happy and waiting to play the game!
It's good to know that even a 12 years old boy like this game!
Mr. Ron Gilbert reads every comment, you will receive the answer to your question soon.
Have a nice day!
I hope too you can unterstand my English language which i learn to speak in school for two years now.
I played not only Maniac Mansion succesfull to the end, I played all five parts of Monkey Island to the end. But Monkey Island #I and #II were the best for me!
And now i am happy to play Thimbleweed Park soon if my parents PC is good and powerfull enough?!
Timo Roth from Germany
I'm sure Ron Gilbert will be happy to read that MI 1 & 2 are your favourites!
There were already multiple requests to have the RAM limit lowered to at least 4 GB. Also Windows Vista may not be a problem since this game is unlikely to rely on too many Microsoft specific technologies except DirectX.
Ron and his Team will likely do tests to ensure it will work and then hopefully lower the system requirements.
I've also played 'Dunkle Schatten' and 'Das Telekommando kehrt zurück' which were from the same developer as I've discovered just now:
Ever seen 'Captain Zins' before?
Its not that bad i lost this dedication ^^
your english is very good!
I'm italian, and I have improved my english thanks to Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken and Monkey Island (they were only in english, when I have played them).
If you played Maniac Mansion (congratulations, which characters did you use to win?), I think you can play and like "Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders": it's my favourite adventure game, made by David Fox, Ron Gilbert, Gary Winnick and Mark Ferrari: all of them have developed Thimbleweed park, so... ask your parents to buy a copy of Zak McKracken. I am sure you will enjoy it!
How old were you when you first played Maniac Mansion or Monkey Island?
But totally second that you should play Zak!!
i played Monkey Island about one year ago. The parts I + II were the best for me, because they had a special atmosphere.
The humour and the whole world you delve into are very special, the same in Maniac Mansion, which i played after the Monkey Island series. Monkey Island #3 was already another atmosphere which i did not like as much as parts #I and #II.
Every minute of my free time i use to play point and click adventures, so i have played some games now.
I would like to add that "Monkey Island" and "Maniac Mansion" were (for me!) the best games.
In my eyes very good were also "Gemini Rue" as well as "Benath a steel sky" and "Chewy Escape from F5".
Here is a short list of all point and click adventures i played until today:
Monkey Island I-V
Maniac Mansion
Day of Tentacle
Sam and Max I-III
Zak McKracken I-II
Indiana Jones and the last crusade
Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis
Beneath a steel sky
Gemini Rue
The gene machine
Jack Orlando
Chewy Escape from F5
Bifi Roll - Action in Hollywood (a promotion game made by and for a famous German sausage company *HUMMY*)
The Dig
Best regards to you and i still hope my family´s PC will be good enough to play THIMBLEWEED PARK please.
Timo Roth
so many adventure games, that's impressive, my congratulations.
Regarding your question about the RAM, Ron Gilbert has answered a few messages above, here is his answer:
"I reduced the RAM requirements to 4GB. Turns out, one of our testers has been testing on a 4GB machine the whole time and she hasn't had any issues. Machine specs are such a dark art."
In conclusion the machine your family owns can play Thimbleweed Park!
From your list of adventure games, I have played them all except for:
- Monkey Island V (there are only 4 Monkey Island games, unless you are referring to Tales Of Monkey Island)
- Sam and Max II and III (I stopped at the first one)
- Zak McKracken II (there is only one Zak McKracken, unless you are referring to Zak McKracken Between Time and Space)
- Gemini Rue
- The gene machine
- Jack Orlando
- Chewy Escape from F5
- Bifi Roll - Action in Hollywood (a promotion game made by and for a famous German sausage company *HUMMY*)
Great, boy, I want to play some of those adventure games from your list!
Thank you for sharing!
Real world experience is the essential nourishment of everything comes out from art.
Öliens 8 was a great movie. Wasn't it directed by Stefan Spülberg? :D
Simon the Sorcerer (especially 1 and 2) are very neat adventure games too.
But glad to hear GOG will be there right from the start, and that 4 GB RAM will be more than enough after all. Man, those 8 GB scared me. Calculating those giant pixels seems to be no laughing matter. :)
Although my force sense hinted there may be a release date.
Although my force sense hinted there may be a release date.
Thank you for GOG. I prefer it to Steam.
Hey Ron, are you considering the option for a Nintendo Switch Release too? :)
I hope that´s enough, cause I will hold it until you release TWP!
But wait,
you said you can´t release it anywhere before Xbox.
Is it (only) a downloadable game there? Or do we have to wait until it´s boxes are standing in shelfes in stores?
*Heavy breathing*
I noticed missing shadows on playable characters.
As you plan to release it in march-april I think you are still in time to add them...? :-P
Btw waiting badly for Linux or Android release I'm starving for a good, difficult and funny point and click.
Everything I seen from firsts screenshots is gorgeous.
I arrived just as Ron began to announce the sale on his website.
A game is found in the steam store, bloated and pixelated from a release date announced too soon.
Victim of day-one patches and deleted save states, quickly the game of our dreams turned to nightmares.
A dangerously naive jr. blogger Reyes got to the comments section before me.
I read through his comments and immediately began to doubt if this game would suit my needs.
The plan was to ignore Rayes warnings and play the game on simple.
I didn't want to think about what would happen if the puzzles got complex.
I didn't need glitches stopping me from walking around.
I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with this game.
The backers spoke in hushed an lowered voices of a release that I found hard to take seriously.
Then a couple of developers told me about the bugs and then i knew.
I knew this was all part of something bigger, something bigger than Ron planned for.
A release date announced too soon.
So to get back on topic - for mere nostalgia reasons I would have considered playing that game on the good old PC instead of XBOX one but I also have ONLY 4GB of RAM and I will rather die before I invest one more cent into the damn PC but if it runs also with 4 GB...then my choice is clear :) jiechaa
I wonder when you, the developers, would say the game is a success.
Sure number of sold games after the kickstarter is bigger than xyz....but not necessarily only a commercial success......Do you care much about x/y points in computer game magazines/blogs.....(just saw the tweet that you're not happy if authors still use old screenshots in their articles)......positive feedback on you fear emails from children saying "my parent's only sit in front of the PC and play something old looking....24/7"
After so much work on it.....when is the point in time, where you relax and was damn worth I can die happily or do it all again...with "Return to Thimbleweed Park"..coming to a PC near you in 2 years.......
Were the snapshots taken in two different stages of development?
@Ron: You should reorder the screenshots on the Steam page so those two first ones don't come subsequently after each other (which makes this small difference to stick out).
95% of it is resolved, but there is still a 5% to complete, before being 100% sure that everything is fine and ready.
So, according to Ron Gilbert's statements, it's better to wait until everything is safe, otherwise if a date is announced and then, for many reasons, it has to be procrastinated, it would be very upsetting...
I just want to relax, after my work, at night, playing 1 or 2 hours (a few more during weekends).
IMHO, that's the correct way to fully enjoy the game...
Will we buy physical edition ? If so, Will we have s / n steam in conjunction with the physical edition at the time of purchase?
Kind regards,
But maybe they will find a publisher who is willing to do so, especially in Europe/Germany there are people liking physical releases.
according to Ron"s comment in the post "Content complete":
"The boxed version will be available for everyone to buy, but it won't include a feelie or some other KS extra. It won't be for sale for several months after the KS box is shipped."
I am excited to get my backers edition!