The New T-Shirts Are Here! The New T-Shirts Are Here!
by Ron Gilbert
Jun 14, 2016
Jun 14, 2016

Our fabulous mouse pads and t-shirts can now be purchased on Fangamer! You'll look twice as style'n while pointing and clicking on your new Thimbleweed Park mouse pad wearing your new Thimbleweed Park t-shirt.
It's worth mentioning, these are not the backer t-shirts. Those will be twice as cool. Or half as cool. We haven't decided yet.
- Ron
But I will buy this one!
The look great. Maybe half as great as the backer ones :)
Need to think about it, it´s more than I´m usually willing to pay for a T-Shirt. But it´s for Thimbleweed Park...
Knowing it supports the development maybe would make the decision :)
That´s the answer I needed.
I hope this is available for a little longer, because I have to wait until my live has a new direction...
Anyway, thanks
God damn. Ron's dyslexia is infectious.
I see you still didn't lose your touch in coming up with a top 10 of (funny) reasons you should buy <something>...
P.S Love the podcasts. Thank you all for the hard work. Matt
I myself am convinced that it pays in the long term. In my opinion, the price is appropriate since this one is not an ordinary mass product and you typically use it a long time.
Well, if mouse pads really are a relic of the past nowadays, I have to feel old.
Maybe I'll order a t-shirt, too, once my size is available again. I need to buy a few new t-shirts anyway. Let's wait and see.
I made one myself with Thimbleweed Park images.
For personal use only.
It's not as beautyful as the one shown here, but I like it. When I work at my office, sometimes I take my eyes off the monitor, and I enjoy my mousepad.
But beside that: I do still use mouse pads with computers I do most work with (desktop PCs at home and work).
I don't use one e.g. with my tablet. On whatever table surface or even on a couch the mouse works sufficient enough.
Just buy a larger one and put more coins into the washing machine than usual!
But I do wear shirts every day, so I ordered one - although you should never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game (shirt)
luckily the Dollar to Euro rate tipped the balance (and knowing I still regret to this day not getting my hands on an authentic Zak McKracken t-shirt back in 1988)
Seems like to your country only the expensive one is possible. Shipping one T-Shirt to my country costs $4 with the cheap option.
They also disable it for specific order items. I once thought about ordering the art book of Brütal Legend but boy... it only allows expensive shipping AND shipping scales with the price of the item:
The art book costs $50, plus shipping costs of $70.58 which is more than the book itself :-(
Would love to have the T-Shirt, but if it's sold out and shipping to European Customers are far to expensive. My dream will never be true.
Maybe you can contact the Reseller called Elbenwald ( in Germany for distribution to german/european Customers. As long you guys like to have my money. 😂
Not if they produce the mousepad and/or the t-shirts in germany. Every "Copy Shop" in german can produce these t-shirts and mouspads (and coffee cups, etc.) for that price.
This is our gift to you, oh beautiful world. Nowhere on the internet will you find such a large variety of quality printed t-shirts at such a ridiculously low price. </br>While other online t-shirt businesses charge three times the price, and deliver one-third the quality, <a href=""> click here to read more ..</a>
This is our gift to you, oh beautiful world. Nowhere on the internet will you find such a large variety of quality printed t-shirts at such a ridiculously low price. </br>While other online t-shirt businesses charge three times the price, and deliver one-third the quality, <a href=""> click here to read more ..</a>
This is our gift to you, oh beautiful world. Nowhere on the internet will you find such a large variety of quality printed t-shirts at such a ridiculously low price. </br>While other online t-shirt businesses charge three times the price, and deliver one-third the quality, <a href=""> click here to read more ..</a>