Voicemail Testing
Dec 28, 2015
One of the Kickstarter reward tiers was to appear in the Thimbleweed Park phonebook. During the Kickstarter, someone in the comments suggested that it would be neat if they could also record a voicemail message.
Not being above stealing a good idea, we quickly added that and pretended we thought of it all along.

We've delayed gather all the names and voicemail messages because we wanted to make sure we were getting all the right information. We've implemented the phonebook and puzzle with dummy information and now we're ready to start gathering names and voicemail recordings.
If all we were gathering were names, it might be easier, but we also need to gather recordings and have a place for people to upload them, plus we wanted to build a system that lets people go back and change the recording if they want.
I built such a system over the past few weeks, and now we need to test it. Nothing would be more embarrassing than having to ask 3000+ people to re-upload their recordings.
Which brings us to YOU!
Are you willing to help test out the voicemail system? You don't have to be a backer to help test. If you're willing to help, follow this link and give us your email.
Testing will start in a few days.
Actual voicemail site will go live mid-January.
Testing has ended. Huge thanks to everyone who helped out. We found a lot of bugs that can only be found by swarming masses!
Here is the breakdown of around 500 readers in response to their primary language.
Thanks again.
- Ron
So Ron... Can we do that?
In terms of language: In my household we speak 5 different languages: English, Spanish, German, Swiss-German (which apparently is a language on its own right, but if anyone want to argue, please talk to my wife!) and Galician.
Out of the 5 I think that 3 are "supported" languages (english, spanish and german) so I was wondering... can we record our own version for each of the languages?
Today I went to the gym, and couldn't remember which locker I hung my keys in. I opened about 60 lockers before I found them.
1) How much time is estimated for a tester to spend per week?
2) What are the requirements for submitting messages as a tester (equipment/software/file format/sampling rate/file size)?
When the email goes out to all the testers, it will include a link to submit feedback.
Hopefully, you'll have a way to add different beeps at the end of our messages...
Like hearing one of the developers or other cameos?
In that case: Please hide the numbers thruout the game. Perhaps a crumbled note, perhaps a graffiti etc.
Test form submitted, you can count on me!
If you're searching for vintage phone sounds, ask Evan Doorbell. He has tons of recordings on his home page: http://www.evan-doorbell.com/production/
It would be also cool to have a speaking clock. That used to be the most called service in the 80's here in Germany before radio controlled and network controlled clocks became commonplace.
Adam Marcus
Alan J
Alan W
Bob B
Lawrence G
SMOAK Justin
Just wondering.
And should we clarify that last name is actually the surname and the first name is the given name? Not sure if the acceptable languages differ from English naming convention.
But I've another question:
What contents are allowed in the voice-mail and what's not?
Thanks for reply!
I'm one of the thousands of people who payed 50$ during the crowdfunding... And I would like to know if there is a change to get my name and voice recording on the phonebook of the game.
How should I proceed?
Greetings and happy new year!
I would also say that it is a honor to be answered by you :)
I'm a big fan of your adventure games since I was a child...
I am just wondering about the languages your fans and backers speak and countries they are from. Do you have any statistics?
Even if it's just Thursday a more specific Question (should I ask on Friday again?):
How international is Thimbleweed Park? And how much influence does this worldwide following have for game development (beside unicode)?
Many thanks.
Happy New Year!
See Ya in 2016!
Let's hope: less vamped consumerism, more substance in what we are; to help each other, to give life.
To Ron, Gary, David: may your work make this world, you and us a little better!
Just a suggestion. There might be a lot of guys who bought themselves into the phonebook... and now when the time comes to speak something into the mic they feel kind of scared. Like not wanting to mess up your cool game with junk and spam.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not one of that kind (cough). But there might be people who do not have a good idea for their voicemail.
Maybe it would be a cool idea to feed some of the backers with hints or background information about the town. One per number. Some real hints and some fake ones. Backers could use this information for creative voice messaging.
It feels strange to be part of TIMBLEWEED PARK as a citizen with a phone number without knowing the game, the story or the town. Please don't let us ruin your game :)
did I just the testing for voicemailing or did I actually miss the real Recording?
Also when is the cut off date planned to have the recordings in by?
You are not alone, all you can do now is: SWEAR