Exploring Delores IIIII
Jul 08, 2015
Although I hate following ‘the cutest dog in the world picture', it's time for the next art related post.
Ok, so based on the last round of feedback to the previous Delores design post, we thought we'd go through one last round of pixel art before Ron and I make our decision (yes, the decision of the judges will be final).
It's been very interesting to see everyone's reaction to what's approaching her final character art for the game. Now that somewhat recognizable pixel versions are in play there's been a lot of requests to try ‘this head' with ‘that body', etc. as sort of a ‘colorforms' style exercise. Just a quick aside, #2 (the middle one) seemed to get the most positive overall response.
Certainly, one of the aspects of working digitally I really like is an almost endless ability to tweak and noodle pixel art the approach allows. Tear this head off, replace it with that one, change the skin color, put those shoes on that one over there. It's very fluid in nature which allows for an amazingly dynamic process.
However, one of the dangers of this is that you really can almost noodle something forever. I've worked on a lot of projects, with a lot of other folks, Project Leaders, Art Directors, Writers, etc. One of the things I really strive for is to present a coherent range of choices. If you're responsible for getting a job done, you really need to be able to focus in and decide. In the case of Thimbleweed Park, I'm doubly fortunate to be part of the design team, so my opinion carries a fair amount of weight and I happen to be working with extremely talented people whose opinions I respect and have a no-nonsense way of getting things done. As Ron tends to say from time to time "I don't know art, but I know what I like". (Actually he really does know art- but don't tell him I said that :-)).
This philosophy has served us in good stead during our time at Lucasfilm from Maniac Mansion to Monkey Island, and you have to know when it's time to fish or cut bait and in the case of Delores it's definitely time to fish and we certainly appreciate all the feedback we've gotten throughout the process.

So here's to the last round of noodling Delores. From here we'll decide her actual design, then complete this series with a final blog post showcasing that in various poses and orientations.
Additionally, due to popular demand we will be planning on Delores having some ‘themed' costume changes for ThimbleCon, after all she is kind of a geek....
- Gary
I or A would be my #1 & #2 then E, G, B, D, F, H, and C in that order. ;)
H ... the arms blend too much with the hair
A,G and I ... the "blonde" looks bad without some hair around the face looks like ... she has only hair on the top (maybe with a few more "blonde" pixels)
Redhead ones... she looks too much like Kenny from Southpark
So B or E to me
Exploring Delores V, Revenge of the Pixels
The ponytail is the most distinctive look (and forces you to work non-symmetrically!), but if you think it would disappear in her costumes and make her look too different from outfit-to-outfit, then I can understand not choosing it. You and Ron know best!
Prof. B.
mr. T: http://i.imgur.com/I7Kt6RG.gif
JGable1: http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MegandJer/Delores.png
Zombocast http://i.imgur.com/aP1UOPk.png
But if i have to pick one, E from this modified combination:
Patrik Spacek: http://blog.thimbleweedpark.com/exploring_delores5/559dda498195c3c274a66fc5
The short hair also looks frumpier.
The outfits for B or D are practical not pretty.
So I prefer D or B for this character.
Also: How about creating a dog - maybe call it Pep for no apparent reason - that follows her around? Would be also quite easy to program: It just has a few idle animations and otherwise follows here around (thanks to wayfinding this shouldn't be a problem). Only thing to consider: Have a special script command that tells the dog to go to her position RIGHT NOW, so that when she uses an elevator the puppy isn't left behind. She could even whistle for the dog when that command is executed, so it looks more natural. Only other problem would be ladders - that could make for an awkward pickup-and-carry animation or a super dog ;-)
I really like the ponytail vibe and the jacket with a t-shirt combo. Plus the sneakers.
Then : C & G
Dark colors are better for hour long playing. The others seem eye irritating.
My second favorite is E.
That being said, most of them are quite nice, and I look forward to which ever you end up choosing at the end.
But maybe you can show the same haircut in red or blonde?
My preferences, E then I (dark and light haired hoodie+white shoes).
(And now i sound like my own dating profile)
Other than that: Just wanted to mention that, again, you made someone (me!) feel very happy and appreciated. When in the last Delores design post you didn't react to the opinions and suggestions expressed there, I was a bit disappointed. But now I see that you definitely read and cherished those suggestions there, because I see them among the choices presented here.
And it not only is a very nice experience to get the kind of insight into the game development process we do, but also get the feeling like we are actually part of it. Really, thanks a lot. I already love the game and we are still a year away from release.
Well... plus we sort of are your employers right now, because we paid the money you work on ;-)
But other than that and preferably, E it is
She looks fresh, reactive and matches the time period
Anyway, now it's up to you guys to "choose.... Choose wisely!"
Thanks for going the extra mile on this and showing you are listening to backers. I completely agree with you that now is the time to make a choice and keep it final. I think it would be cool if you don't reveal the choice until the game is out (not to mention avoiding a bunch of "please change your mind" comments :-) )
The ponytailed ones all look a bit odd, like their hair is levitating or something.
I'm feeling a Heart vibe and diggin the do on B. Best hair of the lot!
Thanks for the little parcels of fun in between the monotony of working life!
The red-haired ones... not so much the Delores you described. I picture her a "second look beauty", i.e. you only really notice her much at second glance. The reddish hair sticks out too much for that, so no go.
Delores no. "B" is just... odd. I think the hairdo makes her look too old. That head would be middle-aged Delores.
I do like the outfit of "G", but I do think for Delores it's rather the hoodie. And the blonde ponytail is, hmm... still looks a bit too young, just like "A".
All of that boils therefore down to: "E". I vote for E. Please pick E!
Lotsa denim, white sneakers, big hair. (Though I'd love a foot-high fringe (bangs?) too.)
Thinking of what I thought was so cool as a young teenage girl in the 80's is so embarrassing ;)
But if you are keeping old Delores to be her big sister then E keeps the family resemblance.
Oh and if the blue suit is too similar to your female detective, you could try going lighter for a pale blue acid wash for Delores?
(Another cringe at the memory)
That's it, one of the original ones. I can really see myself playing with that one all over Thimbleweed! I can also see my mouse all greasy and soaked from the Cola and pork I'll be eating while playing the game. Oh yes, some good old fashioned greasy savory Thimbleweed Pork...............yummy!
It's the only one that looks relatively more feminine and introverted. All the other ones are too cool! You already have a "cool" tomboy character.
A A A A A A A A A A all the way!
not so girlie, geek with an attitude. the hair is good, the clothes are good. and the shoe color is good
A seems more graceful. And B seems to be a more average, fun and relateable person.
Following that I then E but they're pretty much interchangeable in my preferences.
I like the outfit, and prefer the blue shoes.