Last 24 Hours!!!
Aug 08, 2016

These are your last 24 hours to back Thimbleweed Park and make an awesome game even awesomer.

In 24 hours we're shutting down all backing. Last 24 hours to get in Ransome's swear jar! Last 24 hours to get guilt absolution for pirating Monkey Island or Maniac Mansion! Last 24 hours to feel awesome about yourself!
If you want to upgrade your previous pledge, please contact
But please note... These are not pre-orders! If all you want to do is pre-order the game, wait until closer to release. We have not set the final price for the game and it could be less than our lowest tier. What you're doing is supporting and helping to make a great game. You're bringing joy and point-and-click adventures to the world. Can you really put a price on that?
You're also getting guilt absolution, but that is between you and your god.
- Ron
But thanks for reminding me. You should now have some of my hard earned cash... I can eat next month; it's fine... really it's fine ;)
Being 10 y/o around 1990 I didn't even know what was was pirating and that I was doing it.
ᐸfont size="10" color="red"ᐳMattias Cedervallᐸ/fontᐳ
The Exit Visa Code™ was never a problem thanks to the invention of photocopiers.
I was looking for the tier that would allow me "to continue to post trivial unfounded critiques of all aspects of game design on the blog from now until the game's release," but that didn't seem to be an option?
So I got the soundtrack bundle instead.
Now that I think of it, I have bought all titles from MM to Sam & Max + Grim Fandango at least twice.
But morally I agree with you.
The first game I have purchased was Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders™, AFTER having finished it with a cracked copy (you could digit any VISA code, it always worked). I decided to purchase it because I thought that their creators did a very good job, and they deserved my money (I was a teen, I earned the equivalent of today's $10 or €10 per week), so buying a videogame meant 3 weeks of money savings.
But I did it, I wanted it in italian, and wanted to get every information about my hero.
(I guess the correct number is less than 700,000.)
will u be at Gamescon at Colonia? Or maybe will be a playable version of TP there?
kickstarter backers = 15623
Bring me back to old times!! :) :)
(Hint: you forgot to OPEN the box!)
what if Thimbleweed Park had been placed in an Ace Attorney case?
Maybe something like this...
(thanks to AceAttorney OnLine site for its superb case-making engine)
Hej Ron, Gary & Co:
you mentioned once the game has a 'classic' mode and a 'modern' mode. But you mentioned as well that even when playing a classic game nearly everybody wants to have modern comfort. For those who seems to be hardcore classic fans (playing in classic mode) I like to request an option to simulate a floppy drive:
In more or less regular time-frames (with some randomization) the game should ask for the next diskette and then simulate reading for some seconds on it.
That really would make the classic mode more realistic! :-)
Best regards.
Another gag could be screeching modem sounds during autosaving to the cloud :-)
The b@%t@rd3%t game ever!! But hilarious, ahahah!!!
Or at least a, watch the Devs play the fist act.. Possibly, replacing a podcast because it functions the same way as Friday questions. Its a good way for new people to see the game and comment.
Though you did say you didn't want to do it live in this last podcast..
...imagine what a cool party would be, there!
I wonder if Mr. Lucas would agree to make such a party in The Ranch?
Also, would you really want to see the developers spoiling act 1 when you've already waited so long? :D
2017 can't come soon enough! 😊