No Podcast This Week
Oct 15, 2016
I hope everyone remembers where they kept their pitchforks, tar and feathers, because there is going to be no podcast this week.

As I mention in the last action-packed Thimbleweed Park dev blog update, we are heading for content complete today (in reality, we'll have tomorrow), and everyone is completely slammed.
Content complete is looking good, I think we'll make it, but not without a little fudging. Some tasks are being pushed out because, "yeah, we could ship without that", in reality, it would pain us to do so. We'll quickly scramble to hit those post CC, because, yeah, we could ship without it.
As I mention in the last post, deadlines like content complete are important because it keep everyone laser focused. If you hit 90% of the milestone, you're doing good. If you didn't have the milestone and the laser focus, you'd never get anything done.
If we had a publisher, there would be payments tied to the milestone. Until the milestone was met, we wouldn't get the next check and couldn't pay people. That's always a big motivator.
We don't have a publisher, so there are no payments tied to the milestone, but we have a very limited (and at this point, tight) budget. We can't just keep going, because we'll run out of money to pay people. Same thing, really.
But honestly, even if we had a ton of money left, we'd still be pushing for these milestones. We want to get the game done as much as you want to play it.
Anyway... no podcast this week.
- Ron
"Perhaps we can get some insight on (maybe a few more videos):
Music composition and sound design (we hadn't seen too much on this so far),
debugging. Maybe with some code. Or pseudocode? I miss code.
the voice recording sessions,
curating/reviewing/importing all the crowd-sourced content,
additional marketing/advertising/promotions (how do you find opportunities and make the deals?),
advertising/marketing art (U.S. and international?),
porting the game (wooing investors, hiring devs to do the port),
going "gold"-physical production and distribution (physical and digital),
the design of the physical copy- art/box design, manufacturing/production, ideas and design/production of the "feelie". If you want to keep the "feelie" a surprise- if you think it's exceptionally cool- that'd be fine by me.
Oh. And also, afterwards, a retrospective."
-from a previous blog comment of mine :)
Let's not have a disconnect between the music and the rest of the game.
- The Podcast Intro Song (title song from the podcasts)
- Jazzy Elevator Music (Podcast 58a at 39:45)
- Presumed Circus Music (Podcast 59 at 17:08)
- Thrilling Music (Podcast 60 at 10:53)
Collection (hopefully) to be continued.
I'd gladly pay 25 dollars again!
That being said, these podcasts really helped me to keep being mentally invested in this game.
Sure I'd love a "release podcast" at some point.
Are you going to self-publish the game?
Make America great again by releasing one next week.
(btw. my link is Not Safe For Kids too, beware...)
If you really want to scare the kids this year, you should make a Trumpkin
I amend my previous statement, Your Honor.
...well, graphics AND BUGS apart...
OK, it's 99%
There are some artists able to create paintings in which you can see the doors, but you can't see the art.
It's there a place where we can see if we are included on the phonebook? or if something is missing? ( data or audio )
there will be something like these:
Names in *bold* are entries with a voicemail.
We know from Ron Gilbert there there will be something (a checkmark?) to let you know if you have already listened to that entry.
What a Bahnfahrt! I wish I had sat behind him. :)
Who are the translators of the other languages?
I'd love it every bit as much!! Retro Option, here I come!
But Sam&Max was 1993, wasn't too shabby too.
I remember complains about MI:SE because of choppy animation (it needed to have the same frame count as the original).
Which I can understand looking at the HD graphics. With pixel graphics I think you can still get away with a much lower frame count.
But I wouldn't have guessed it when playing the game back then!
(btw: Great discussion. Now I would like to play those old games again ... ;-))
Indy 3 was good on Amiga.
... the XBOX version of Thimbleweed Park, can run on both XBOX 360 and XBOX One?
I'm not an expert of Xbox, so I wonder why... maybe for different architecture or performances?
Or just for marketing reasons?
The team would need an Xbox 360 developer's kit, in addition to their Xbox One kit. And, Microsoft would commit them to run through a certification process for the Xbox 360 version as well. Moreover, it would increase the effort of bugfixing.
So, it's absolutely reasonable to concentrate on the latest console generation.
Robert Megone on Twitter: "I just completed a speedrun of @thimbleweedpark in slightly under nine hours!"
- Is pixel hunting needed in some locations, in TWP?
(the obvious answer should be NO WAY!)
Like the blowtorch in Future Wars, hidden in the lower corner of the rubble of the ruined city!
So yes: Dussst!
I promise you all, that I will limit my posts to a maximum of 10 per day.
I now want a t-shirt, a making-off pdf and probably more! I understand if you want to get the game done. We probably just don't want money to be in the way...
btw: You can buy a shirt and a mousepad (can't find the link at the moment...)
...even, too...
But, if you would like to support the team, you can still buy a non-backers t-shirt or a mousepad, as Dieter wrote:
I assume that there is a chance for more fan articles to be offered, if the game sells well.
Furthermore, you will be able to order a non-backers cardboard box with the game, several months after the shipping of the collector's box for the backers, as Ron announced in a recent comment.
"The boxed version will be available for everyone to buy, but it won't include a feelie or some other KS extra. It won't be for sale for several months after the KS box is shipped."
So all potential buyers have just to wait a little bit. :-)
But there were other people who just want to support TWP with some money as a donation, so that Ron and David can buy dog food. :-)
- "Con teeeeent, party raaaaaaw...."
Now, Google it.
- "oh, shut up!"
(now, Google Translate that...)
[English users: the above sentence is grammatically incorrect, but when it's translated in italian, the result makes perfectly sense for an italian user. This technique is called "forced translation"]
It's "SECOND ME", ahahah!
"content partly raw"
The game is on its final testing phase, as well as translation phase.
Latest news from the Creators say it will be released "early 2017".
Our waiting is going to an end!
(That's the Scurvy Scallywags influence... I have installed it a few days ago, and I like it!)