Friday Questions
by Ron Gilbert
Jun 01, 2016
Jun 01, 2016
It's time for Friday questions!

You know the drill...
Post your questions for Gary, David or I to answer on this week's Thimbleweed Park™ Podcast and we'll do our best to answer them, or at least read them to ourselves and mumble under our breath "there is no way I'm answering that".
One questions per-comment and please try and keep them short. After two sentences, we just zone out and the chances of it being answered drop to zero. I hate to be a jerk (not really), but that's the truth. It's a cruel cruel world, best to learn that early.
YAY! Friday Questions!
- Ron
I find that a game suffers when character names or places are pronounced differently by different characters or when two people in conversation have obviously incorrect inflections, emphasis, etc. How will you handle this?
What's the process to understand the costs and make estimation about projects like this one?
How much the final effective cost differs about initial estimation in media?
Sample images:
Do you think the fourth movie should have been based on "Fate Of Atlantis"?
Things like:
- What kind of experience it will give
- Will there be limitations?
- Do you think it will be hard to implement?
- Any concrete ideas on how it will be implemented?
When working on Cadillac's & Dinosaurs did you have any plans for other sequences or gameplay mechanics?
Or was it (covers mouth with both hands dramatically)... magic? :O
Will there be some kind of evident transition between the acts, MI style, or will the transition be smooth, without the player noticing (for example when act 1 ends and act 2 begins)?
(Compare these:
With other words: This will be part of Ron's Option Management Infrastructure™ (ROMI™).
Also a VR headset will be required to be able to navigate that option system in three physical dimensions (minimum).
Would you believe me if I went to help you in the past this time, for instance:
1) by erasing Podcast #46 from history (which would make the game a complete success - too long to explain why)
or even
2) by changing the name of the game from current "Rhododendron World" to, say, "Thimbleweed Park" or something like that? (which would draw 100 fold the number of players)
Nonetheless, I wish to thank you for this incredible shoot'em'up!
They would be very venturesome to call the game "Thimbleweed Park". Unlikely.
Furthermore a translation would be difficult, eg. Schlitzblättriger Sonnenhut Park or Rudbeckia Laciniata Parco?! No one would buy this.
Rhododendron is understood globally, so please do not propose a silly name.
Pixelate (if it's possible to pixelate the game any further) his mouth or draw a black box over it maybe? Yet then the engine still would have to know when the beeps will occur in the audio...
With all the podcasts, I've been getting an appreciation for the behind-the-scenes work required to make a video game and the personalities behind this particular game (thanks guys!), but with all the spoiler-aversion it has been hard to get specific stories about the development.
Also considering the number of podcasts that will have come out by the time the game is released, maybe Ron, Gary and David will be sick of talking about it - hopefully we don't have to wait 20 years for a Special EditionTM commentary!
"would you use git again for game development? a lot of AAA studios seem to use perforce, some use svn as both seem to be better at handling lots of binary data and are more artist friendly. so do you think git is the future for game projects?"
Can you estimate how many testers, for each testing location (Seattle, San Francisco, London), do you plan to contact, for each month?
[Ron]: All over the mountains, below the blue sky,
A flower breeds, yellow, so tiny, and shy!
I wonder the reason we've chosen its name:
Please answer me, Winnick: you're too on the game.
[Gary]: Among all the flowers, you know, sure, my dear,
This one has the wisdom to gracefully appear.
But since my own answer may be unorthodox,
I'm joining your question: I'm asking the Fox!
[David]: You slackers, you suckers, you both tuna head:
YOU made the kickstarter, and drove us all mad!
The mistery comes from a time once upon:
Shall answer the question the one named Ron.
I hope it will be answered, and most importantly: as a poem!
1a) I was wondering what you think of test driven software development and if it can successfully be applied to game programming. Do you unit test your classes and if so, what's your coverage?
1b) At this stage, do you feel, you have used an "anti-pattern" somewhere in your code and that if you had more time, you would love to refactor it?
If no one remembers a made up over the top legend will do too.
Also, what caused you to leave Double Fine? Were they unwilling to let you take on something like Thimbleweed Park? Or was it something else?
At the beginning of MI2, at the scene with the fireplace where Guybrush is talking to two pirates, there is this music fading in that sounds like it is played on a flute. This melody also appears after the end credits. It sounds so famliar, but I wasn't able to find out if it was originally composed by Michael Land or if he borrowed it from a traditional.
Can you finally answer the question, that haunts me for 25 years?
platforms that were not imaginable in the days they were made.
Do you think this will be also true for TP, years after the game is released?
Or are there any technical/license issues that will prevent this?
Unfortunately you usually do not appear on the podcast, but do you mind to make another speedrun if you have the time? Or even better, a speedrun of an character animation. Oh, that would be splendid.
I agree!
According to the Kickstarter campaign, TWP is going to be translated into Spanish, Italian, German and French. This game is a 'point&click' adventure where dialogs and jokes are critical to its success (think in the fight vs. the Sword Master in MM). So I feel that just translating the game won't be not enough here (think now in the recently revealed meaning of Hodor's name from Game of Thrones, it just can't be translated). As game designers, could you guys comment your thoughts here?
I will play the original version in English because I love Ron's unique humor sense™, but I understand other people can't do that. IMHO, you shouldn't rely only on a external company offering translation services because they will hardly preserve the atmosphere of the game. I'd bet on native speakers in your own team to review the translations.
Maybe something in the backround like the Grog vending machine or the voodoo doll of Largo Embargo?
BTW: You guys are legends
Keep up the great work and I am extremely excited to play Thimbleweed Park.
Any interest in participating?
They also are willing to allow you to redesign any puzzles that result in deas ends...Thoughts?
And why just one question - I have thousands!! ;)
I heard they even have the least restrict requirements now, but I don't know if that's true.
Would be interesting to know if the amount was enough that there's leftover to.roll back into the core game, if you feel comfortable talking about that.
Thank you
Interestingly, the Wilhelm scream didn't manage to do that to me so far.
Moreover, the automatic doors in DOTT, in the future, sound like the doors on the Enterprise, don't they? Though, in terms of this, I assume that it was intended as an Easter egg.
Was there a point where you thought stop at that?
What tipped to continue?
have you planned to create another point and click adventure after this?
[insert joke about a million three headed monkeys typing a million typewriters here]
What would it take?
Do a Kickstarter!
Also MI2 is amazing and I can't wait for Thimbleweed Park,
I know I'm pushing it here, but could you give us a hint as to how that mythic MI3 would have started?