Soon Is Soon
Mar 27, 2017

If you were a backer through Kickstarter, Humble Bundle or PledgeManager, you should be getting an email today listing out what will happen on International Thimbleweed Park Launch Day and how to get your key.
I won't repeat the whole email here, but the gist of it is...
On launch day, you will get an email from PledgeManager saying your key is ready and you will then login to your PledgeManager account and get the key. If you're a backer and one of the over 2000 people that has never logged into PledgeManager, I suggest you do that right now, so you're not fumbling with it while everyone else is playing.
Once you get the email and if you have any questions... email
Do not ask questions here.
We've also set the price of the game at $19.99 on all launch platforms.

As an added bonus, if you backed at the soundtrack level, you will also be getting the Thimbleweed Park soundtrack and printable CD and cassette tape sleeves. Instructions will be in the launch day email.

I may have to take time off work soon!
What a coincidence it's happened at the same time as the game coming out ;)
Great news!
(Can't wait to play btw!)
( and we all could pleasantly play the game in peace )
I'd rather play the game now, than pass three more days reading eulogies...
( or, if only jokes weren't to be explained :P ;) )
Do you think that the GOG-version will be available without delay at the same time? And will it be patched?
I'm asking because with "The Witness" the humble store updates with patches were much much more infrequent than on Steam. (But I had no real problem with that, the first release worked fine for me and it was a great game).
By the way: I don't really need a DRM-free version right now, but in maybe a year or two I would like to rather possess the DRM-free version than the Steam version.
But if they use Steam users as cheap testers and later push the stable versions to GOG & Co I'm totally fine with it :-)
Maybe by Ron dressed as Psycho's mom?
Let us first concentrate on TWP - The Movie, okay?
Just wondering.
But you are not supposed to ask questions here, I will wait until launch day...
I think that $19.99 is a great price! I will buy an extra copy of the game and give to a buddy of mine.
By the way, Mark Ferrari was also involved in creating the 16 bit screens in MI 1. The VGA version was done by other artists later, based on this EGA version.
Here a comparison of a similar scene:
- Atari ST:,438543/
- DOS EGA:,318377/
- Amiga:,861898/
- DOS VGA:,318378/
Now I know what they have meant by saying that we were expecting a renaissance fair, rather than an actual renaissance. :-D
But, I think that the EGA version nonetheless looks quite good. Maybe the close-ups aren't the best proof for this, because they were completely replaced.
Here is a sunset that was changed into a nocturnal setting for the VGA version:
And this is a comparison between the different versions:
Is that true?
Is that true?
There, couple of months design time shaved off.
Here is an optimised version with improved code-wheel storage:
Even a young boy like me can buy this game with my pocketmoney.
Timo Roth
Damn, I feel ripped off! :(
Just kiddin'. I think this is an excellent pricing.
I really wish this will become a huge financial success to the whole team and
allows you to approach another game in the same vein.
Moreover, I hope you've not been fed up by making c&p adventure games and
the project that is coming to an end was more inspiring and encouraging than
worrisome and keeping you awake at night.
While I have not yet played it, obviously, I'd like to thank you - Thimbleweed Park team -
for making this game possible!
(I did, too :-) )
Very happy with the pricing!
But I'll find a suitable machine to play my pledger's Steam version, no worries.
And now, the last 2 days, 18 hours, 20 minutes to wait...
And your script! :-)
I was referring to this:
"Nor Treblig - Mar 29, 2017 at 09:46
You've posted this right after Ron broke the updating process for main and archive page (again) :-) "
Can we have a live stream please?
I just bought my own house and figured I have the right to frame that to my wall.
By default the system comes without one because most households already have one anyway.
The best thing to do is buy it on Steam and then leave a review or thumbs up/down. Backers/free keys can't leave reviews that count, so it has to be from people who bought the game. But be honest, if you didn't like it, don't leave a good review.
The price should be tied to certain constraints?
If you liked it...
... tell your friends.
If you disliked it...
I'm really excited to play this game.
And what you will do with the piracy? Thimbleweed park have a serial like The day of the tentacle when you start to play?
Day of the Tentacle only has a manual query in one certain scene in the floppy version, and no protection at all in the CD version. And the included Maniac Mansion is not protected either.
Maybe it will send me another, different email today.
just a thought. rofl. OK let's calc: YIPPIE!!!
E.g. You sell 700k copies (maybe it will be more) for 20 bucks, that is 14.000.000 USD (-30% handling fee for the platforms)
14.000.000 USD -30% handling fee for the platforms = 9.800.000 USD - so let's round up to 10.000.000 USD (just out of a sunny morning today)
Backers Back-Reward fixed to 5% = 500.000 USD
We are 15,.623 Backers
And that leaves 32.00 USD to every Backer including a shipped gamekey and of course 9.500.000 USD to TerribleToyBox.
The rest is HISTORY.
But hey, why should a 5 USD Backer get same profit Margin of 5% than a 250 USD Backer??? i need to refigure it out. hahaha
But yes, you made a point, maybe that's how it should work. At the end of the day, backers "risked" $25, since there is never assurance that the product is going to be finished.
At least as an American it should be fairly easy. If you aren't from the USA it may be possible too but you have to know what you are doing (e.g. you have to comply with their tax laws).
If this game will make a good income, I would suggest doing high quality localized voice acting as addons.
And use the remaining cash for the development of the next game. Hopefully that will be Monkey Island 3.
Unfortunately, I think 700k sold copies is totally overestimated for a Point&Click Adventure these days (after all, it has become a niche genre). I think 250k sold games wouldn't be too bad.
I really hope that Ron will not cut the price of TWP too close, because those people who paid the full price would feel hard done-by. Also, I personally tend to lose my interest in a offer, if I have seen that particular product before for a significantly lower price. And, I assume that I am not the only one.
I guess this significantly rises the number of "owners".
I wouldn't, unfortunately, deduce from that that these are all P&C lovers.
When Mark Zuckerberg made his little game in which you had to compare two pictures and vote the best one, he didn't have imagined what mons... ehm... creature would have become that game.
I believe Ron can fly... I mean, I believe Thimbleweed Park will be a great success!
This product will be probably much more enjoyable in terms of playing experience, more user friendly, than the ones we played years ago...but today there are many many games out there! I came here because I have a strong affection to the original titles, and if at first I was really interested, when Mark also was on board, I got totally caught. I think his art is very capable of attracting people, 'cause maybe the first thing you see is graphic, especially when you don't know the quality of writing yet.
Anyway...nobody knows, everything could happen.
We want all our money back! AND the game!!.. AND profit!!!
I backed the game over two years ago at the $25 level. I "forgot" about that money already. I'll gladly pay again.
Imagine if we could "create" 5.000-15.000 paying customers just like that!
My carefully curated C=64 games "collection" during the 1980s was rather, hum, extensive so I really would like to ask you for complete and overarching general absolution for all of them so that I can sleep at night again. I'd gladly increase my pledge by a reasonable amount to this end.
I appreciate very much you taking on this task on behalf of the entire industry. I look forward to having a good night's rest finally after all these years. :)
It must feel very cool that its YOURS this time. I am really looking forward to it. It will be the first game since year 2004 or so that I will play (and that I havent written myself) for more than a few hours.
For the set price it might prove a worthy alternative to $whatever.
I will advertise it already for the bare fact that this game was made by people who made their own choices. Still restricted by time & money but yet OWN choices. This fact alone renders this a very special gem to me.
All the best!
I'm an avid gamer, on the contrary, and I postponed playing other AAA games just to play Thimbleweed Park and, in my opinion, this is proof of great respect to the talent of The Makers.
Hope it has a map! And if there's a monkey in the game and an island in the map, it will be even more great! :)
If I set the steam key on a windows desktop, can I later play on my osx laptop?
And with the Steam version you also have cloud saves which work cross-platform! So you can start on one computer/OS and continue on another.
You could have a bucket of popcorn and follow the figures as if it would be a thriller movie :)
Btw. The next step would be 2 characters playable simoultaniously and plattformcrossingability.
E.g. my son playing ray on xbox and me Reyes on PC. Ans we can meet each other in game. Consider this for TWP 2.
I can't wait to see what the Swear Jar is that I supposedly put my money in. Although I'm a bit dazzled about the different platforms, having pledged or at least tried to, on both, Kickstarter & PledgeManager. I guess I should be ok on both. And I'm also on board for another copy, if you decide to do the PS4 port, or on Android at least, for my sister & nephew.
I can't say how happy I am, now that it's the homestretch. And a bit sad, too.
On GOG they were released much later on 2014-10-28, that's why I own them on both platforms.
Btw. I didn't really understand that Swear Jars too, so let's see :-)
Maybe it's a maneuver of some certain big publishers.
no one writes,
the night before Christmas
it feels like.
Santa Claus' coming
I can hear the vibes,
but he doesn't have beard now
and not even gut.
And that is bad. It's bad because this means I have high expectations. But I'll be honest on this topic: the fact that you guys went into all this work to bring back this unique genre, by itself, is enough for me to back you up. I'm definitely buying a copy to a friend, as a present, and I'm definitely going to support/back any future project similar to TwP, if there is ever one.
Thanks for everything. Fingers crossed :-)
Champagne is in the fridge. I will have a glass (bottle?) on you tonight.
Thank you for this great experience, for your effort and the result.
These were 500 bucks well spent. I will be glad to support you on your next Kickstarter project.
Can't wait and grabbing a pizza meanwhile...