Thimbleweed Park does Europe Update!!!
Jan 20, 2017
We've had a great response for our three fan events in Europe! Thanks to everyone who let us know they're coming.
We're now able to confirm that the full details for the fan events are:
Date: Sunday 29th January 2017
Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: Stragula, Bergmannstrasse 66, 80339 München
IMPORTANT NOTE: We were unable to secure a place that can fit more than 80 people and also adheres to our other requirements. We'll do our best to get everyone who turns up to come in. But with over 140 people signed up so far, it might be hard. We're asking for your patience and help in letting everyone have a chance to see the game.
There's been a lot of concern about the venue capacity of our Munich fan event. We're listening to you.
At this point, it's too late to find somewhere that will be able to fit everyone and meet our requirements. FYI: Our main requirements are to have a relaxed venue where you can hang out with some of the dev team and other adventure game fans. Other venue options that we looked at in Munich that were larger would mean that the event would become more formal and corporate-like. Ron's at his best when he's meeting you all individually, rather than addressing the multitude. We also want a place that served food and drinks.
UPDATED UPDATE: We've been able to arrange it so that we can open to everyone at 5pm (17:00). So that gives us more time for everyone to come, hang out, grow bored, leave and let new people in.
However, we want to make it clear that we will not kick anyone out. We do ask that if you feel like you've had a good experience and there are people waiting outside that you respect them and let them have a chance to come inside and hang with everyone. But we will not kick people out.
We will have a limited number of stations to play the game on, so it's unlikely everyone will get to play, but we won't be kicking people off after a few minutes of play, you will get to complete the demo. This has been true at all the past events and a group usually gathers around the station and everyone played it "adventure game" style. We try and have big monitors so everyone can watch.
We know this isn't ideal, but we hope everyone still has a great time.
Berlin (powered by Games Academy)
Date: Saturday 4th February 2017
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Games Academy, Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin
Date: Thursday 9th February 2017
Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: Zigfrid von Underbelly, 11 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NU

At each location Ron Gilbert and I (Jenn Sandercock) will be there. At some of the locations some of our European team will join us. In Munich we'll have: Boris Schneider-Johne (German translator), and some of our test team. Joost Peters (programmer) will join us in Berlin. Rob Megone (lead tester) will join us in London. Others of the development team will also try and join us if they can.
"Thanks so much for letting us know you’re interested in attending our fan event in Berlin on Thursday 8th February 2017.
We can now confirm that we’ll be holding the event at Zigfrid von Underbelly, 11 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NU, from 7pm - 11pm."
err Berlin instead of London? 8th? I think Jenn is having a bad day :)
But if it was clear there would be room for only 80 people, why was there no information about the fact, and a first-come-first-serve limit regarding the reservations?
I might have gone to Berlin, where there seems to be no limit, but the train tickets to Munich are already paid. Let's hope for the best.
My own plan is just to go there (I will be at the Berlin event though), get an idea about the game, maybe drop an ear when someone asks Ron a smart question and then disappear when it becomes repetitive.
Given the high travel expenses, I planned to be there for 4 hours.
I still have to catch up watching Twin Peak, X Files, and True Detective to get all the references in the final game ;-)
(Normally, I don't watch TV series.) Probably, I will also have to replay Maniac Mansion etc.
Luckily, it's 10 minutes from my home. I pass the location every morning on my way from Kindergarten to work.
Thank you Jenn for this wonderful location!
Google Maps' aerial view is very nice though.
The original announcement sounded like, "have fun playing the game and chatting with fans and the team." Now it's more like, "stand in line, glance at the game, have an item ready to be signed, then get out so that others may get their item signed."
I'm sure the team are doing everything they can. Still, I'm a bit disappointed.
Maybe, if they could take off some of the tables, there would be more room for people. It's just an idea...
Anyway, just to have the chance to be there, it's a big privilege!
I am confident that everyone will get a chance to meet TWP staff, and/or to play the game!
Jokes apart, I fully understand and agree the rules, they exist for our safety.
If the venue were in Italy, everyone would have been welcomed and allowed in, including firemen :-)
...thanks God.
Then the firemen would have probably done a step behind.
I don't forget how many people are rescuing from the avalanche during these days. Heroes.
I think you're right. The original announcement sounded like "ok, it's a special gift for you backers. The location is sekrit, and will be revealed only to the few lucky guys. So that you can spend a nice evening without the crowds, and we (the devs) can hang out relaxfully, just chatting with nice people and without having to sign one thousend items or posing for one thousend selfies"
On the other hand, it is promotion. I can understand they want as many people as possible. Even if that means no fun and a lot of work for them. It's a pity, but maybe it's the only way...
It's a true pity, and Daniel summed it up very well. Now it's the same as Gamescom: Come, wait, see, leave, thank you, next please.
"Hang out with the devs", it said.
There are people traveling for hours, have booked early and everything. For being asked to leave as soon as possible.
It should at least be understandable that I am disappointed too.
If you are not comfortable with the location and the situation: Help the dev team and find a (bigger) location! It's that simple.
And "meeting the devs" means to say hello the devs and not to talk the whole evening with the devs alone. I am very glad that Ron and the other devs take time to visit europe. And if I had the time I would wait in the line just to see the game(!) and say hello to Ron. (I didn't even know what to ask him. :))
Reasons for disappointment were given. Overpromising always leads to such reaction, naturally.
I know it's very short term for the Munich happening but don't you think questioning all fans here and in FB or Twitter could help to get a bigger room? Maybe somewhere at the university in Munich or in the Olympic or ferry areas? What are theses other requirements you have?
I am sure everybody in the Munich area would love to help if possible!
You're such a slave of the market.
And our people did so much for Scumm reversal..
Such betrayal.
Charles de Gaulle v2.0
Especially since everyone knows that Adventure games only exist in our dreams and memories anymore... and Germany.
I am living in Germany and both locations would require me to travel at least 4 hours (at best), 5 hours more realistically. I assume your journey would not substantially longer.
Please refrain from insulting the team and the community, we are all waiting for the same exciting thing to be published - regardless of where we live.
Herr Stirz
Taking a look at the Kickstarter community:
Top 3 countries by far are USA, Germany and UK. France having only 11% backers of Germany despite being only a bit smaller, about same population as UK.
Top 4 cities are London, Berlin, San Francisco and Munich.
Also Berlin and Munich are very far from each other despite being in the same country.
Good to meet Joost again, too. Cool, so many coders. With Unity and all, I feel like that most adventure games don't even have a single programmer anymore. Thanks for organizing this Jenn & the others. See you in Berlin then!
I have another question.
Will There be a special edition of the game and if yes how it will be.
Thank you .
I just saw your Munich update and wanted to say "thanks".
But if you go there cosplaying: PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!
Too bad you won't come to Munich, but I understand. I had to take a day off from work... but it's worth!
I just showed Thimbleweed Park (trailers, demo, any sort of footage present on the blog and on the internet) to a friend of mine and a 12-years-old boy who has never seen it before.
He was positively impressed by Ransome the clown. He likes him very much, because of his swearing! :-D
The boy asked me if there is a T-shirt with Ransome on it.
I ansered: "I don't know, but I know who can answer you!"
So, here is my question: is there any official T-shirt with Ransome the clown on it?
Thank you!
Btw. I'd recommend this one:
But if you really insist on a clown shirt...
It would be really funny!
You deserve a BARREL of beer!!
Thank you!
I'd like to publish it on youtube / facebook, but it should be clear that the audio is NOT the original audio, even if the content is the correct italian translation of the original.
@TWP Staff: do you think it could be a good idea?
But please, just out of curiosity: are you from Naples or Rome?
Your accent seems to betray you :-D
Congratulations anyway.
#4 (Game informer):
#17 (Wired):
#6 (Darkstation):
Make sure to check out the c-base for a beer or mate ice tea after your event and ask for a tour.
I come from Italy, I will travel half a day to be there. I hope to be able to enter as soon as possible...
♪♫ Salagadoola, meet in Stragula, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo ♫♪♫♪
In this game there is no Lady Voodoo, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! ♪♩
Salagadoola, meet in Stragula, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo ♫♪♫♪
Let's play the demo together with you, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! ♪♩
(Forgive me, it's friday, after all...)
David: hi Gary, how are you?
Gary: fine, Dave. And you? What's the weather like there?
David: I feel good. I was watching TV... Those Bernie's speeches always energize me! If only he was twenty years younger... He would definitely rock the party! I mean the democratic party. Well ahem here is cloud and sunny. What's going on there?
Gary: well... I want to finish the set of secondary characters... Hmmm I'm almost done, you know the latest touch...
David: OK Gary. Don't you forget to draw someone black. There are eighty people there... Even in 'The empire strikes back' they introduced Lando to represent also black people, you know...
Gary: oh sure David, I've done it way before you told me...
David: and please tell me..
Gary: oh no Dave, that would be a treat!
David: ok Gary, see you later.
Gary: bye David.
Gary: oh gosh he's right...time is running out... Wait I've those faces from team members...David demands black characters...
Black David Fox. Sheriff. Done.
I was told that the character of Natalie ( ) was white, at first sketch...
Ron Gilbert has just welcomed GMT timezone (according to his latest tweet)
So he is in Eur.... errr... he is in London now.
I'm glad to hear you've safely landed in Germany.
I write to you today because; I've recently come across a video that I thought you'd like.
In this video you can see another game developer addressing varying resolutions of pixel sprites.
I think he captured the essence of the "classic feel with a modern look". I hope you enjoy the video.
PS: Please don't seek asylum in Germany, game developers are a precious commodity in the US!
I still wonder how long the queue in front of the building is, though!
By the way, the game will be available for download only. But, according to Ron, there is a chance for a release on DVD after some months.
Nice location, there were many people in the middle time (7:30-9:00) , poor Ron met everyone. He was really kind.
I have payed the demo and looked at every possible joke hidden in it. The game is funny and.... yes.... there's the toilet paper orientation option on the main screen!!!!
You could take pictures, get your things signed, eat and drink something (I tasted a very good beer, nonetheless) and do nice small talk with everyone.
Thanks to Daniels Wolf, who searched for me. It was a pleasure to meet you!
To people who are going to go to next events: go!! It's worth! Go!
After hours of riding the train, I will join home soon again. 1.5h left.
Hope Berlin and London are going to be as much fun.
BTW: When you play the demo, don't just do what you have to do. Instead go explore in *all* directions before doing the main thing. Especially in the beginning.
Just Remember, Here at Terrible Toy Box we convert your hard earned money into 8bit icons "estimated turn around time 2 years"